Saturday, April 13, 2013

What Really Happened to The Gold Market ~ Robert Ian on Goldseek Radio

Gold took a serious hit today, with prices falling well below the key, psychological level of $1500, a drop that many are calling a "game changer", at least from a technical perspective. Throughout the day, the currently volatile market took prices back above $1500 for a brief period, before dropping again. This is a golden opportunity to buy gold and silver for those who missed the train before , What does it say in the Bible-they will throw their gold into the streets! These market manipulators are crazy! If Silver drops any lower there will be no silver or even gold left to buy. People could just buy for the sake of it especially If something like "Precious" metals is that cheap. I can see the Chinese and Indians are going to go on a massive shopping spree


  1. ...Someone wants to F*** Cyprus because they put gold reserves on the market...

  2. Thet didn't sell their 500 tons of physical gold n it wasn't Cyprus. They JP Morgan HSBC n other couple big players sold off 500 tons of paper gold contracts n whoever had a stop order to sell on the selling presure forcing the prices down on all the precious metals not only gold.Its a Rigged Game simple as that. These banks make loads of money on the way down n on the way up. Take advantage on the Silver Sale the 5% discount in price n pick up a few ounces there isn't much silver to go around bout a 1/4 oz a person based on the population.....
