Saturday, April 13, 2013


We could call it an international "currency war," or we could call it the "new race to the bottom" -- but what it amounts to is an unprecedented devaluation of currencies world-wide. Central banks around the world, imitating the Federal Reserve's so-called "quantitative easing," are beginning to devalue their own currencies in an attempt to gain market share for their exports. But this will generate inflation that will devastate the purchasing power of consumers who use those currencies. And behind all of this is a specter of hyperinflation -- the economic scourge that has historically been the precursor of domestic unrest, political tyranny, and even world war.


  1. Meanwhile the NZ dollar continues to rise, as do our exports, with a significant decrease in food and gas prices.

  2. What do we export Paula? Dollars n GMO grains? Oh I guess you can still get a Big Mack for 99 cents but who knows what they feed the cattle or the hormones they shotem up with. Wash it down with some aspertane diet soda. Don't forget to take your lipitor.

  3. I love this.
    Let's see -
    Who created all the global financial crisis and mess in the first place?
    Yep - you guessed it -
    Then they turn around and try to blame it on other countries trying to start a currency war.


  4. I forgot to mention we also export bombs n drones especially to countries n regions that don't want to do what their told. Theie leaders end up commiting suicide(with alil help of course)come up with a Heart problem or cancer n we then help them w/ their oil or opium concerns, now if their main crop is broccoli we leavem alone..

  5. Paula NZ the dollar is not rising, what exports are you talking about Debt? after the dollar devaluation the food and gas prices are rising again.... get a grip on your awakening

  6. I am not interested in wht you export annon..still too afraid to come out of the ar, and use you rreal name huh ??
    We do know what we feed our cows TIGHLY monitored, and we do not let in GMO grains anymore than e let in nuclear.
    Just this week it was discovered some of our organic kiwifruit growers had inddvertaintly sprayed their crops with a susbstance banned in Japan so they owned up , took the hit and this crop is not being sold as organic.
    We have created technology to detect which farm our cows and food are from and everything can be traced back to its owner.
    You may get Big Mac for 99 cents, if that is the food of YOUR choice and wash to down with whatever you want...maybe you need to get out of American and have a break get a real life, or larn about other cultures and countries, you are not the only
    country in the world.

  7. You need to get a grip, do you not read.???
    The dollar HAS risen I bought US$ this week. Gas has gone down 10 cents in ONE week and food almost 2%
    Open your eyes, and stay informed.


    This is ONLY until last year, we have
    massive growth so far this year, not only in our exports, but also in tourism, I should not have to supply stats on all areas, we ALL have google.


    And this is only China, read up on the last trip to India, also same results especially our beef doubling,
    their orders for THIS year.
    Beautiful grass feed beef.
