Sunday, April 21, 2013

Michael Savage Digs Deep into Mystery of Boston Bombing, Gun Control, Immigration - 4/17/13

History in the making. The global crime families, their spies, advisers and financiers have bitten off more than they can chew. Now starts their DISINFORMATION to confuse and bewilder , stay on target. Let’s hope their puppets lose their nerve and come clean.Oh how they weave the lies and pump up the subterfuge. Before it was the Chechen brothers, the FBI conducted a totally contrived and bogus raid at Brown University in Providence, RI looking for the terrorist bomber from India. That fake faded off the radar. Oh but wait, wasn’t it the Saudi student before who was quickly was extradited back to Saudi Arabia after a secret unofficial White House meeting with the Ambassador and Obama? Who can forget the very conveniently announced “interception of packages and letters containing Ricin” last week. That 911 retro nugget flared and floundered with a crash and burn and was pulled off the controlled media. They hustle and lie like they were genetically modified or created that way from birth. The narrative changed so fast after Bidondi shook them to their core at the initial press conference that the entire thing has become completely unhinged. Now it has turned to say and do anything time. Stuff the liars think will sell. As the saying goes, most people are not buying it. With their own words and “discoveries” they discredit and unravel themselves. Sadly, while the pursuit for the real truth goes on, it will not bring back those who were killed and the many who were very severely injured with loss of limbs, hearing, etc. The scales of justice will begin to balance out but it won’t happen unless people literally bulldoze with streams of unrelenting questions pointing out all of the inconsistencies along along the way. Swift is not going to pull a fast one. People have consistently underestimated the savvy and smarts of those in the military and veterans. They know the score and the details. Military and veterans also talk to each other a lot and do so very freely and openly. From training alone, minds are conditioned to learn about the ways of the so-called named enemy. Much to everyone’s chagrin, the enemy is within.


  1. NO, NO, NO its fascism or Corportism not Socialism.

  2. Sorry Michael, Alex had this info. loooooooong before you did!Looks as if Obuma bit off more than he could chew! He is a DESPOT if there ever was one, and those of us with a "BRAIN STEM" know this! Obama had better get right with God before he takes this country further down the sewer. He has the spirit of Anti-Christ in him, and the decent people of this country and elsewhere are paying for his sins, and I for one am SICK of it!!!

  3. I don't care about the financial armageddon this is all fore told in Revelations obama and george soros and rothchild or the un who ever, if this brings Jesus Christ here to save us from these crazy people it is worth it. Just remember when satan comes he will come and save this world from the financial armageddon if you love your money that much you will go with him.
