Sunday, April 21, 2013


Israeli Press Says Patsy Brothers Were Double Agents! The whole story just does not make sense when the bomb in a BLACK backpack went off with a white patch near the handle,but suddenly its a gray backpack, that the younger brother was still wearing...

It is becoming clear the FBI's involvement in these bombings goes further than just investigating.There's good evidence to indicate the Tsarnaevs are patsies. CCTV footage shows Tsarnaev leaving the scene of the blast with his backpack. It could have been cut/pasted; a review of all CCVT footage to verify that that image doesn't appear in any other CCTV footage would make it air-tight. There's also footage of 2 guys, 1 w/ a big backpack, the other, a cap with the Craft logo. 1 fled without his backpack.

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