Monday, April 15, 2013

Gold & Silver Sell-Off a Non Event says Chairman and founder of Sprott USA

Gold and Silver Sell-Off a Nonevent-Rick Rule

Rick Rule, Chairman and founder of Sprott USA, says Cyprus is a stunning example of why people should store some wealth in precious metals. Rule contends, "If you were a Cypriot citizen and you had stored your wealth in gold and silver as opposed to having your money on deposit in a Cypriot bank, the Cypriot banking crisis, for you, would be interesting but not relevant." If there is war in Korea, Rule predicts, "If a nuke goes off on the Korean Peninsula, the first move in precious metals would be down. . . . The second move would be higher. I also believe precious metals would hold their value over time UNLIKE most other asset classes." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with precious metals expert Rick Rule.

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