Monday, April 15, 2013

Carnage in Commodities: A Meltdown in Precious Metals

Gold is down 20 percent from its all-time high in August of 2011, with CNBC's Bertha Coombs. Tom O'Brien of "The Gold Report," offers insight.

Gold and silver are both crashing as I write this. This is a planned event to weed out the bottom feeders and the big fish will buy it up. No doubt about it now, the dollar had to be saved from oblivion. Either that or there is a world currency collapse at hand. Now we shall witness chaos ensue as all this was done with paper and not physical gold.Cyprus is being offered paper fiat in return for it’s Gold as collateral on the ‘loan’ Classic confidence trick. Of course it’s orchestrated. One family has been given the task of dominating Earth’s money – the Rothschilds. Perhaps the most monstrous family in modern history. As the great de Bauer mother said, “If my sons didn’t want war there’d be no war”.The globalists knew when the time was right, they could merely steal the gold. They could be sitting on hoards of wealth while claiming to be broke. Thus they can let the monetary systems crash and start up a New World Standard currency — based on what they looted from nations previously. It would work fine as long as they can keep Oriental Gold out of the Market. None of the globalists ever had the wealth they claimed, it was all exaggerated to back the fake money and over time empty the gold reserves. They are selling long and buy short at the same time — they are using all manner of magical monetary instruments, to conduct frauds, with the blessing of crooked governments.

1 comment:

  1. The Fed used naked shorts in the paper gold market to offset the price effect of a rising demand for bullion possession.According to Andrew Maguire, on Friday, April 12, the Fed’s agents hit the market with 500 tons of naked shorts.
