Friday, March 15, 2013

Economic Collapse 2013 - Obama Tells Speaker Boehner, "We Don't Have a Spending Problem"

As incredible as it might sound, the Speaker of the House, John Boehner in an interview with the Wall Street Journal said he was told by President Obama that quote, "We don't have a spending problem." Is that an incredible statement from the leader of the free world? Is that an incredible statement from the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama? What could possibly posses a man to think that the $16 trillion national debt we have in this country is not the result of an addiction to spending? Will we be facing economic collapse soon because Obama has no clue what he is doing? Is this man really qualified to be our President?


  1. Short answer " the Nigga is not qualified"

  2. Keyan house monkey is crazier than a shit-house rat!!!

  3. President No, puppet Yes.

  4. the only thing this man is qualified for is a mental institution

  5. How long will the man at the white house continue to pull the woool over our eyes ? When will the zombies awake in a bipartisan uproar to stop the destruction of the republic by this man ? We will spend ourselves into oblivion ! Another empĂ­re down the tubes ... beyond crazy, criminal .
