Friday, March 15, 2013

83 Years Old Woman Shot And Killed By Police in Her Backyard

83 Yr Old Woman (Delma Towler) Uses Gun To Scare Off Burglar, Shot And Killed By Police in Her Backyard

 let's introduce a bill that disarms police!!! We are a self-governing people! We have just been fed spoonful after spoonful mixed with help the medicine go other words....we have been told that we can not govern ourselves for so long, that we forgot that we are self-governing. : ban the police; their training is more military so send them to fight these illegal wars

1 comment:

  1. Once again it is proven that the cops are the biggest criminals. They are gangs the kill the innocent and get protected by the state. Screw them all and never, never, ever trust the f'ing police any time any where for any reason. Remember this well.
