Monday, January 7, 2013

The Future of America hidden in Ancient Bible Mystery ~ The 9 Harbinger Warnings Signs

Jonathan Cahn "the Harbinger " Prophecy 2013 , was 911 a Warning from God to America ?

The next few years will be like no other ones in our history. America will never be the same. But, with this judgement will come a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom... you should read George Washington's inauguration speech given in New York just steps away from ground zero. New York was America's first capital before it was moved to Washington, DC. As the head of our military he saw God's hand on our efforts to defeat the mighty British Empire. He dedicated America to God on that day & declared that if we ever turned away from God our Nation suffer His judgement. America has crossed a line & God has removed His hand of protection. It is coming... America has not listened to God's warning. It is very apparent from this last election. This last election was in total defiance to God. Gay marriage, mass murder of unborn children, every lustful desire, and even legalizing drugs. God has turned his back on America because we turned our backs on God and Israel. Its sad to see how far this once great nation has fallen. Things are going to get heavy over the next few years. Prophecy will be fulfilled like never before.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean that the athiest Zionists that run America's financial system are following old testament bible scripture? Obviously, they have planned out the ups and downs of the economy. They must be following these scriptures. Maybe they are even numerologists? Lindsey Williams DOES say that the elite are very obcessed with the bible.
