Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Martial Law Coming to America

This is about the coming war in America. We are slowly being set up for war. Americans are turning in their guns to the same government that ships weapons to Mexico and other nations. Its TIME to STAND up as a NATION as a people no matter what your skin color or background may be and take back our LIBERTY and LIFE FROM THIS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT! Government cant give you what GOD has already given you. WE the people are the employers of the government the government answers to us NOT us the people answering to this joke of a GOVERNMENT.

1 comment:

  1. Face it, the government is out of control, out of touch, and now exists only for the expansion of its own power at the expense of everyone else. The global elitist fascists in both parties have trampled the Constitution, want to take away ever more rights we have, and subject us to a total surveillance society, taking their notes from both Orwell (1984) and Huxley (Brave New World). The politicians serve the elitist and fascist Synagaogue of Satan and will not rest until they enslave everyone or they are annihilated. One of these things is going to happen.
