Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Piers Morgan Guns in America Heated Debate, Gun Laws Restrictions - 1/15/13

Piers Morgan is a joke. Anti gun people can't reason any deeper than "More gun laws = less gun crime". If that offends you, it's your fault not mine. Does one who plans on killing care if he's allowed to bring his fire arm into a "gun free zone". Who are these laws really restricting? Quit being stupid and think about it Piers.What many call "assault weapons" are NOT assault weapons. They merely look like their military counterparts but do NOT operate like them. True assault weapons are already banned under current laws. The media is not saying this because they want Americans to give up more liberties for "peace and security". The Founding Fathers explicitly warned us about this. I and many Americans do NOT want to be like Europe!

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