Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Alex Jones on Huffington Post Live *WAKE UP AMERICA YOUR IN A TRANCE!*

Alex Jones, the radio host whose tussle with Piers Morgan was felt 'round the world, appeared on HuffPost Live on Friday to talk about the fallout from his interview. For most of the chat, Jones was relatively restrained — a far cry from the high-decibel ranter who shouted at Morgan about the Second American Revolution. Towards the end, though, he regained his old spark with a tirade that truly has to be seen to be believed. After quoting liberally (and loudly) from the famed "mad as hell" speech from "Network," Jones began going on a wide-ranging monologue that encompassed everything from drone wars and curtailments on privacy to more boutique topics. "Learn about the New World Order!" he said at one point. "Learn about eugenics and the cancer viruses and the vaccines! Learn about the GMO's designed to sterilize you!" He then held up a book called "Ecoscience," and took his shouting to a new level. A rough transcript follows: "THEY'VE GOT POISON IN THE WATER! POISON IN THE WATER! THIS IS A NORMAL RESPONSE TO THIS! THIS IS HOW THEY SHOULD HAVE RESPONDED TO HITLER! YOU'RE IN DANGER! YOU'RE IN DANGER! YOU'RE IN DANGER, EVERYBODY WATCHING! THEY CONTROL BOTH PARTIES! YOU'RE IN DANGER! WAKE UP! GET OUT OF YOUR TRANCE! THEY SHOULD HAVE RESISTED


  1. Damn what a dipshit.

  2. GREAT as usual Alex, but unfortunately, most aren't awake, and may never wake-up. God Speed with your efforts Alex.

  3. Would America have been better off if Paul Revere sat on a corner in a trance whispering to himself "the British are coming...the British...are......coming"? Do your own research. Alex Jone is right on almost everything. Look up Dr. Stan Montieth's "Brotherhood of Darkness". Look up Gary Allen's "None Dare call it Conspircay". Read G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island". The elites in power are liars and deceivers and will do anything to maintain more and more power and control over everyone else.

  4. I am mad as hell too ... We should all be yelling from our windows. How much more is the world going to take before we start working together and stop criticizing those who are doing the best they can to wake up enough of us so that something gets done. There is poison in our water, there is poison in our air, there is poison in our food and they are killing us and our spirits through brainwashing techniques and drugs ... and let's not forget all those vaccines.
