Friday, January 11, 2013

Piers Morgan Gets OWNED By Ben Shapiro

CNN’s Piers Morgan Invites Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro on his program Thursday night to continue the Heated Debate over Gun Control. Piers talks about modifying semis to full autos like it’s just something anyone can do with 15 minutes and some scotch tape. I’ll bet he thinks you can switch your transmission from manual to automatic every other oil change too…Morgan keeps asking if people fear there government, to try to make them look paranoid. Do you think we are facing a second round of slavery? Then let’s get rid if the thirteenth amendment.Piers is acting like he does not know anything about tyrany… While he is siding with wanna be dictator British puppet Obama.. 1984 is here.


  1. Thank You Ben Shapiro for a clear, rapid fire, and rational discourse on the heels of the Alex Jones debacle. Piers Morgan clearly does not get it. The whole point of the 2nd Amendment is to keep an overly aggressive government from turning on it's own people. It's worked quite well for over 200 years. Ben Shapiro was actually quite conservative when he suggests a government take over could happen in the next 50-100 years. Stop apologizing, it could happen in the next 4 years. Piers IS a bully and a shill for the MSM.

  2. Dennis, I'd say that if they do take people's guns, it's proof of "government turning on it's own people". Like Alex says, it's a war, an Infowar! Let's hope we can keep it from escalating beyond the boundaries of information...

  3. the gun problems is simple ban guns from citizens, ban guns from government and ban guns from criminal and terrorist, that way there will be no guns. but how about industry they will say we create jobs, for gun owners, government, terrorist and we help hospitals and morgue we keep them busy, as well, look how much government saves in welfare and unemployment and pension, retirement plans, when people die after they have work for along time and have paid taxes.. guns do something good for society they claim: it kills people when they are no longer needed, like we do in the middle east.

  4. Piers is qualified as a panelist on "America has talent",..and nothing more ! Since the late '70's, every mass killing shooting spree (with the exception of TWO and Gabby Giffords was one of those two) was carried out in "GUN FREE ZONES". Piers conveniently forgets that his own beloved England was TYRANNICAL and his own King George was the driving force behind America's 2nd Amendment being put in place to prevent the tyranny of our own government (Remember: American Colonists had already experienced the tyranny of their Royal English government and THAT was the precise reason America was created, the Declaration and Constitution were instituted so that Government tyranny would never befall them again. Piers Morgan is an English citizen criminal, accused of computer hacking, who escaped to America seeking U.S. Constitutional protection and sees himself "above" Americans.

  5. never heard of Ben Shapiro but I like him.
