Thursday, January 10, 2013

Joe Biden Full Speech Assault on Gun Rights! - January 10, 2013

If they come for the guns, I can see plenty of military and law enforcement men and women coming to their senses and disobeying that order. Constitution is the law overall . Executive order will not stop the common man. We are not your subjects the government is ours. This is why we need to remind our president and elected officials. We are the defining moment of our nations future not our government. Stop the tyranny . Will solders and officers follow blindly as we are led to our destruction. What will history say of us? Are we that weak as a nation?


  1. Biden has no moral rudder. He knows the truth about disarmament of citizens. We can't depend on the cops. My family was harassed for a long time and the cops couldn't catch the criminals for 2 years. They kept trying to break into our house at all hours of the night. One was a karate instructor and kick boxing champion. This kind of person will have a hay day if law abiding citizens loose their right to bear arms.

  2. page 54=5+4=9 opening A PORTAL JOE

  3. cars are not safer now then they where in 70s 80s.There lighter made of plastic and and light metal to meet beater gas mileage standers and people are getting killed.Yes air bags have save people but the cars are junk.I heard Ford to meet new gas mileage standers is going to have to make the frames of there trucks aluminum soon.
