Saturday, January 19, 2013

Obama : Congress Should Restore A Ban On Military-Style Assault Weapons And A 10-Round Limit For Magazines

The Sandy Hook School Shooting is the biggest inside job since 9/11 2001. Joe Biden is leading this gun ban as Joe Biden lead the same gun ban in 1994! The congress should... do their job and enforce the constitution. not listen to dictatorial decrees from warmongering criminal. Actually, Obama, the majority of Americans agree with the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment doesn't specify what kind of gun we can or cannot have. On another note. Military style "assault rifles" as you call them, have plenty of purpose in our society. They are to protect us from people like you. People who don't give a damn about anyone...especially kids. "We should get tougher on people who buy guns only to turn around and sell them to criminals" says Obama , so What about Fast and Furious where your administration sent guns to Mexican criminals and innocent people died? He's wasting time on this because he doesn't want us to watch the economy collapsing, the continuing drone attacks, the radiation coming from Fukushima, the Bengahzi investigation, etc., etc., etc.. Mr. President, The People are not in the mood to join your little "circle".

What if you are in the woods and you run into an angry bear? Seven rounds might not be enough... This moron probably NEVER fired an 8 round clip and changed it out in a heartbeat and fired another 8, and another, and another. DOES HE REALLY BELIEVE THAT A 10 ROUND LIMIT MEANS ANYTHING?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that. A ban is unlikely and even if it does pass these things are going to be made/imported and distributed on the black market regardless of what laws you put in place. People are also stocking up now like crazy and will not comply with unconstitutional tyrannical decrees from the errand bot for the New World order global dictatorship. Obama, you lose.
