Saturday, January 19, 2013

How the Rich Pay Almost Zero Dollars in Taxes and get Away with it

I believe the moment rich people will pay their taxes like the poor people, the rich and poor classes will disappear. no one ever got rich playing fair. so if they start playing fair, it's the end of the rich. it'll be just a huge middle class.. Taxation goes to pay for the ideologies of government such as free housing that make the market more expansive because the government then set regulation to control the housing market. Why should some one give over their wealth. If they want to use a road let them either build a road them self or pay for the use of a road For a society to function people that work need to be able to keep 100% of their wealth. If there is a need for roads then people can pay to use them. There are currently 40m jobs being destroyed in the UK due to taxation. And it also mean that things like fuel(gas) are more expensive than they should be. there are elderly people dying because they cannot afford fuel(gas) to heat them self. Do you think that these are great functions.

How the Rich Beat the Taxman With more than 20 millionaires in the UK cabinet, reporter Antony Barnett examines the financial affairs of some ministers and others who have helped the government. George Osborne says 'we're all in this together' but are ministers and top Tories paying the same rates of tax as the rest of us? Barnett visits a number of offshore tax havens around the world still under control of Britain, including the Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands, to find out more about tax avoidance ploys.

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