Monday, June 6, 2022

The Global Economy is now a QE Addict

The Global Economy is now a QE Addict

The Global Economy is now a QE Junkie -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash The Global Economy is now a QE Addict If it smells like QE, if it sounds like QE, if it looks like QE, it is QE. Trying to solve a debt problem by creating more debt. Economist Mohamed A. El-Erian calls it QE Lite. The Federal Government has grown so large that it is sucking the liquidity out of the system. They sell Treasuries, and to replace the liquidity sopped up, and the Fed has to go buy them back. It's that simple. This Ponzi scheme can go on for only so long. The longer it lasts, the harder the crash. The amount of theft going on behind the scenes in the last ten years has to be mind-blowing. Free money for the banks. Get back to work, Serfs! Pay those loans! Pay them taxes! Modern slaves are not in chains; they are in debt. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. Today the Primary Dealers needed and took another $73.5 billion in Fed overnight repos and $30.65 billion in 14-day term repos for a total of $104.5 billion in Temporary Open Market Operations. Meanwhile, $96.5 billion in repos expired. So the total Fed repos outstanding rose to a new record of $205.7 billion. It's QE forever, a permanent QE. The Fed will need to buy Treasuries of all maturities from the Primary Dealers from now till kingdom come. On top of that, it will continue to lend as much additional money via Temporary Open Market Operations, as the dealers need to absorb the rest of the new Treasury supply that the Fed isn't buying outright. This is the classic case of the snake eating its own tail. For all intents and purposes, J.P. Morgan Chase and the Federal Reserve Bank are the same people. They were printing money out of thin air. They don't have it. They've printed money into oblivion, and when they can't acquire physical gold, they're going to dump paper and go full bore into acquiring physical assets. The golden rule is, and always has been, the backup plan for the central banks and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. As The Power That Be have taken this path, it became evident that they were not going to relent and allow world finances to balance out and avoid a total catastrophe. Nope, they see the cliff ahead, and they are full speed ahead — Wiley Coyote they are not. #1. The global economy is now an addict, addicted to the financial heroin provided by the central banks (Central Banks) of the world. The economy "can't handle the truth" of the natural rate of interest, or apparently survive without constant jawboning, interventions, and machinations by said Central Banks. #2. There have been two asset bubbles that popped in the 21st century, so far: 1), The Dot Com Bubble. 2), The Housing Bubble 1.0. We're now experiencing "The Everything Bubble," which, like it's first two predecessors, is also doomed to crash and burn spectacularly. The Fed and Central Banks couldn't prevent it the first two times, and they won't this time either. Housing Bubble 2.0 is currently a "slow-motion train wreck," but you won't hear that or any other "negative" reporting that goes against the "everything is awesome!" narrative in the Mainstream Media cartel. The ginormous stock and corp. Bond bubbles are now also starting to rollover. It's not different this time. The Central Banks and the current plutocracy/crony capitalist system are effectively financial Socialism/Communism (for the few); a centrally planned command and control economy has always failed historically. Free (but regulated) markets + sound money have been proven historically to be successful for increasing the wealth and standard of living for most, but there are too few opportunities for graft, corruption (with the latter), and too many opportunities for the concentration of wealth and power in a few hands with the former. So here we are. It's no wonder why we have Brexit, Donald J Trump, a rise in general populism, and growing civil unrest. "Let them eat cake" only works for so long. We must make a choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both. Put simply, the extraordinary and experimental policies of quantitative easing and zero interest rates have not been "good" except in the myopic sense of encouraging a short-term burst of very bad choices and misallocations of capital. "The fact is that while yield-seeking speculation is a powerful force, it only operates when investors are actually inclined to speculate. See, creating a mountain of zero-interest money works only if safe, low-interest liquidity is viewed by investors as an inferior holding compared to riskier securities like stocks and long-term bonds. If investors are instead inclined toward risk-aversion, safe, low-interest liquidity is a desirable asset, not an inferior one, so creating more of the stuff does nothing to encourage speculation." The biggest point is no matter what they do; they can't fix the problem the way they keep trying. The problem will keep getting worse because people in the street have less and less money as time goes on, while Retirees pull more Dividends and keep dying. Less and Less, money at the top doesn't make a damn; it just burns right up. ECB, BOJ, FED, What a tangled web we weave. Stock buybacks, derivatives, ultra low-interest rates, and next to nothing savings rate. Underfunded public pensions, boomers retire, politics that don't make sense, and most importantly, that giant sucking sound coming from a mega taxed paycheck.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Saturday, June 4, 2022

This is How to Profit from this Recession

This is How to Profit from this Recession

How to Profit on The Coming Recession There was a time when a man took pride in his work... whether it was running a business or performing labor, a man's work identified him. But then, in those days society took pride in its men too. There was a time when companies valued their employees. That ship sailed a long time ago. Now, they just farm the masses for everything they can get. Nobody should feel any loyalty to these billionaire psychopaths that care nothing about them. It's king dollar. It's also simple mobility, or the ability to quit and come back next summer for another one. King dollar used to be very powerful, and earning them and the potential to live like a king in another country was very appealing. Even a dishwasher could save up for the summer and takeoff for good times. The second is mobility. A fast food job or anything equivalent always promoted those willing to stick around. So even a loser could become a manager and do pretty good. And if you wanted more, college, skills, a trade, those jobs always wanted the summer worker or part time person. This new form of communism and endless money printing has ruined that. I feel sorry for younger people who will never understand the importance or empowerment of those low level jobs and earning king dollars and saving them. The FED is preventing a normal cycle by printing money. You can't prevent a collapse of a system kept alive or even flourishing by means of creating ever more debt. The only thing you can do is prospone the collapse, by creating more debt at the cost of ever increasing the final pain when the inevitable collapse will happen. Stocks have reached a permanently high plateau. The American economy has been bottom-bouncing ever since 2008. The problem is, Americans have become accustomed to it, and have accepted our current dilemma as something normal. They are blaming the current downturn on the virus, but if you look back at the economic figures from the first of last year, the economy was heading back into the toilet in 2018-2019 before the corona virus ever showed up in America. And, Americans have forgotten what it was like back in the 1950's-1960's, or even the 1990's. The economy then was far more robust and resilient then than what it is now! The Fed is the only one buying treasuries. No sane person with park money in treasuries knowing you're going to lose money. What’s the actual inflation rate again? Oh yeah like 20% annualized. Buying a bond at these rates is essentially the equivalent of throwing all of your cash into a paper shredder after adjusting for real inflation. Official inflation running 5-6%, highest in 45 years and talk of 10 yera yield at 1%, reverse repos with banks for bills near one trillion Dollars, money supply growth highest in 160 years, this is biggest bond market bubble ever, when it collapses or rationality sinks in (Fisher effect) will not be nice. Crazy to hold debt. Negative yields are on the horizon. Every day the FED's control of the markets is getting weaker and weaker. One day it all collapses. It is Japan 1989 all over again. Trickle Down Economics has always worked exactly as planned. Since they put us on Trickle-Down in the 1980's, the net worth of the wealthiest Americans has gone up 437% and the net worth of the average American has gone down 8%. All just as planned Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. They're going to have the rename this the Greatest Recession because this one is going to be worse. We are going to have a dollar crisis . The average American is going to suffer much more this time. This thing is probably going to blow up . QE is only kicking the can a little further . The bubble wasn't expected to get this big, when it goes off it will be mother of all bubbles. The Fed reduced interest rates for the first time since 2008 , the crash is already here on the extremely high end of the market and the average person will feel it sometime next year. The next recession will be the dimming of civilization. The system itself is flawed and corrupt to the core, thanks to fancy sociopathic financiers. Someone had to borrow at usury to bring that money [checkbook balances, bills and coins] into existence. The money goes out of existence as the usury and the debt principal are paid back to the bank. These amounts are huge: several billion dollars go out of existence each day. If the money is not replaced with new loans, a shortage occurs. Soon individuals and businesses experience serious cash flow problems. These result in more and more loan applications to banks---the only place where money is being created to replenish the supply. Here is my solution to this mess. #1.To Hell with Fractional-Reserve Debt-Based Banking Constitutional Amendment Rescind the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and rename existing Federal Reserve notes and checkbook balances in all U.S. banking and credit-creating institutions on a 1-to-1 basis; as U.S. Treasury dollars and U.S. Treasury-denominated bank balances. All currently existing financial contracts in the Federal Reserve Banking System, including United States Treasury Bonds, remain in effect. Payments of principal and interest on loan contracts in existence at the time of enactment of the amendment are distributed at the end of each fiscal year to individual deposit holders at the banking institutions holding the contracts, proportionate to the minimum daily balance and the length of time the balance was maintained during the fiscal year. #2. Henceforward, credit creation by banking and financial institutions in the United States is prohibited. Loans are required to originate from previous savings of U.S. Treasury dollar notes and U.S. Treasury-denominated bank balances which are to be held in and paid from specific sequestered accounts designated solely for lending by the various financial institutions, with interest charges and term limits to be determined solely by the contracting parties. Non-cash reserves held in the regional Federal Reserve Banks in accounts of the member institutions of the Federal Reserve System no longer form the basis for credit creation and are extinguished via accounting erasure. Cash reserves held by individual banks become the property of the respective institutions. Regional Federal Reserve Banks continue to provide check-clearing operations for the member banks. #3. Fund the U.S. government directly via Treasury-issued currency authorized by the Congress in its yearly federal budget. The borrowing of money from banking institutions to pay for federal government expenditures, including the issuance of Treasury Notes and Bonds to the Federal Reserve system of banks, financial institutions, or individuals, is prohibited. #4. Abolish the Federal Income Tax on individuals, corporations, and business enterprises while maintaining a social security tax on individual incomes, and institute a federal sales tax with a varying yearly tax rate adjusted by the U.S. Congress in session, the sole aim of such adjustments being to maintain a stable or decreasing Consumer Price Index based on data collected by the Federal Government. Any such sales taxes taken in by the Federal Government are extinguished from the currency supply to keep the Consumer Price Index stable or decreasing and are not utilized for further funding. The Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is hereby rescinded. #5. Clause 1, Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution is amended to read as follows: The Congress shall have Power To collect Customs Duties on imports, uniformly applied throughout the United States. #6. Clause 2, Article 1, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution is rescinded. #7. The adoption of this amendment does not prohibit the use by the citizens of the United States of any alternative currencies they should choose to use in their private or commercial transactions. The Economic system has 3 Cycles recession recovery prosperity. It repeats the same think over and over. So what is the secret to getting lots of money in the next recession is , And how you can profit from it : #1. invest after the recession. You make your money when you buy not when you sell. Jumping on the bandwagon on the way up is a recipe for disaster. ride the bubble up, sell when fear settles in (3-10 years later depending). Sell and than hold cash or precious while market falls, once bottom is established pick your best stock choices, when recovery plan is implemented or when market starts to move up (5 to 1.5 years later) invest everything cash into stocks, 3 to 5 years later money quadruples. Sell when fear/recession returns and repeat. You can retire off this alone if done right . #2. Get out of fiat currency that has nothing to back it, into another piece of paper that claims to have gold backing, but doesn’t. #3. take all your money out of banks and buy gold , silver , land , crypto and art according to the super wealthy. And I would keep some emergency food too . #4 . when the baby boomers start to die, which they already are, I am referring to the bell curve of deaths in the baby boomer population. The peak of baby boomer deaths is the time when you should start shorting the housing market. However if the government bails out the banks again you lose. And #5. JOIN THE CONGRESS.Yes join the congress , become a politician. They can inside trade legally, you make millions, and the beauty is the media are in on it too. They cover it all up by not reporting on it . Just go ahead and look at the net worth of these multi decade senators. They will say that it is not a crime to make wise investments. I have literally heard a congresswoman say those words when asked about her multi-million dollar house. The money lords in their ivory towers with everything to spend can hover above the current crises that they caused in the first place. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Their Agenda is to Never let a Crisis go to Waste

Their Agenda is to Never let a Crisis go to Waste

This is Agenda 21 Unfolding in Front of Our Eyes -- Global Totalitarian Police State. Never let a crisis go to waste. Especially a government manufactured crisis. The Elites needed a pandemic lie to shut the countries down.Now they have it. With over 3 billion people throughout the world in lockdown, countless businesses forced to close and going bankrupt, and social distancing from the COVID-19 invisible enemy the new norm, indeed. This is unprecedented in the world's history. The politicians are doing the same exact thing as they do when they get us into war. The governments are closing down entire economies. They and the media have declared fighting the virus a WAR. And, just as they take us to war after war with no exit strategy, so, too, their lockdown war strategy has started the Greatest Depression with no exit strategy that can stop the global economy from crashing. We are going to see crime levels going off the charts. As the little people cannot pay the rent and bills. These politicians are all telling us what to do because they do not have to worry about getting paid; they steal our money in the name of taxes. You cannot put millions out of work and not expect this thing to explode in a way we have never seen before in history. This thing was going down before. They only propped up the equity market with trillions of dollars created out of thin air. The world is being led into the Age of Biological Terror with controlled demolition of the economy that is already causing unprecedented carnage across markets and around the globe. Instead of fixing the broken Healthcare System, they would rather kill off the people who need it the most. This is Agenda 21 unfolding in front of our eyes. The FED will be the Government to the government. We are being played and robbed. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. Please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels. I do upload videos there, too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank You. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 is The United Nations Depopulation Plan To Kill us. The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening, and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And now in 2020 we are witnessing marshal law in Countries around the world due to a manufactured disease. Mass Mandatory vaccines will be here soon. People will be begging for a vaccine. This is a war against the people. This is unfolding before our eyes. It has all been manipulated to change life dramatically as we know it. The dots are connecting now at faster than ever, and the picture looks ugly. AGENDA 21 WILL reduce the human population from almost 8 Billion to around 750 Million. This means that The UN is planning on killing just over 90% of the global population. COVID-19 is just one step closer to this agenda. And it seems to be a huge step forward. The green new deal is agenda 21 2.O it just encapsulates everything these elite want in one document. Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” Said Henry Kissinger, a long time ago. Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. 98% are still sleeping, and the ones who are aware feel powerless. But why? Out fate isn't sealed, I strongly believe that once awareness has hit a critical mass, it will spread exponentially, like a virus. Mass media obviously didn't say a word about this. A few years ago, the people of Iceland overthrew their government and banking system. The Global economy was already set to crash. They wanted to shift blame and reward the criminals with trillions of our money, amongst other agendas like killing us off. And things are about to get just a little crazier. In 4 days, rent is due. Hard to believe, but, this is the first new month since the Corona virus lockdown. Millions have been nervously waiting for the 'relief' package from the government, but, that will arrive a month late. As the bills pile up (rent, car payments, credit cards, etc) millions will begin to get scared about more than just catching the virus. They will be demanding relief, to go back to work, or just to start stealing what they need. So far, the public has been patient and tolerant of the restrictions on movement, loss of income, loss of socialization, loss of recreation, etc. I believe that patience is coming to an end. The emergency state is now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, “we the people” refuse to see what’s before us. Most Americans, fearful and easily controlled, would sooner rouse themselves to fight for that last roll of toilet paper than they would their own freedoms . In A Time of Universal Deceit...Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act. There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. They are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. They are the jumping jacks, they pull strings, and we dance. Their talents, their possibilities, and their lives are all the property of other men. They are intellectual prostitutes. If voting made a difference, you wouldn´t be allowed to do it. Democracy is simply an illusion. If your vote meant or changed anything, it would be illegal. Left-right liberal-conservative are all the opposite sides of the same coin ; with no basic difference at all the outcomes are always preordained. We are trapped in a corrupt system. A rigged game we cannot win however, we vote. We agree on one thing for sure that is to get rid of the central banking system that enslaves the world. Cancel all debt and start over by living within our means on a personal and national level. How can a country maintain a triple-A credit rating yet has to borrow just to service the interest payments on the existing debt. We can't even meet the interest payments, never mind reducing the initial loan debt. Try that with the mortgage on your house, see how far that will get you. We allow ourselves to be well and truly screwed, sad to say. There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Bill Gates is going to force us to take vaccination with a microchip into our right hand because cash has the covid19 strain on it. The 'internet of things' is 5G, the Skynet grid surveillance grid, and the frequency weapon grid, will bathe us with radiation and radar scan us 24/7 and scan everything. That's why 'everything will be connected to the internet of things,' to create the body for artificial intelligence. A sensor/eye transmitter on every street light 500ft down the road, hundreds of thousands of them or more at the moment, and more being put up. DARPA already has the brain. It's the internet. Not only that, but they also want to be able to predict the future with this technology and weapon grid to use as a weapon against humanity if we all start protesting or something. 2030 is the bottom of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, you will know by next year we are in it. Prepare now, prepare, build a greenhouse, save seeds, can food... We are in trouble if you are not prepared. We are gonna be "micromanaged" in 2030 by AI, and this Agenda is pushed now by PsychoTechnocrats Elite to achieve that goal, and sadly, most have Stockholm Syndrome about this Fact! Destruction of humanity is imminent in the name of greed. I HOPE THE Justice will prevail and stop this madness. The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation … The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties … [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. "I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me & the financial institutions at the rear. The latter is my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." -Abraham Lincoln, letter to William Elkins, Nov 21, 1864. (just after the passage of the debt causing National Bank Act [June 3, 1864], right before the assassination). When people finally realize that they are the ultimate source of power and energy on this planet, they will understand what the AI programming is all about. You are the ultimate battery that the powers that be want to run their system on. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels. I do upload videos there, too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a small donation. Thank You.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Stock Market is a playground for the Wealthy

The Stock Market is The playground for the Wealthy

The Stock Market is The playground for the Wealthy The U.S. stocks are hovering near record levels, but many are struggling to break out of a narrow trading range to hit new highs. One reason: Fewer individual stocks are contributing to the rally. Funny how the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq are in lockstep with one another. Word on the street is that corporate buybacks are once again the villains in the Stock Market rising as well as BTFD'ers who still believe like the '69 N.Y. Mets and Tug McGraw. This dog and pony show has run a long time like some tired old Broadway show in New York. What we've learned is that this time is different. The Fed and Central Banks are in cahoots big time to keep easy money and liquidity intact. The corporations get the buzz that there's free money to buy back more shares and drive up their bottom line and stock price. This rinse and repeat the feedback loop can only continue so long. 80% of all stock revenues goes to 20% of the population. The average 401K for someone over 50 is $62K (for a monthly income of about $400 at an 8% rate of return). The stock market is a playground for the wealthy. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. The stock market is overvalued; it is riding on a historical tidal wave of debt and printed money. The FED is now monetizing U.S. Treasury debt to the tune of $278 billion a month so that Wall Street will be flush with cash. The number of stocks hitting 52-week highs had fallen since June—when the S&P 500 kicked off its last unbeaten run at a record. Last week, 106 firms in the index set new 52-week highs, down from 293 in mid-June. This Stock Market Rally Has Everything, Except Investors Companies keep buying vast quantities of their own shares, propelling prices higher even as pensions, mutual funds, and individuals sit on their hands. American corporations flush with cash from last year's tax cuts, and a growing economy is buying back their own shares at an extraordinary clip. They have a good reason: Buybacks allow them to return cash to shareholders, burnish critical measures of financial performance, and goose their share prices. Print another 15 Trillion and put it all it stock buybacks again, up up and away. The surge in buybacks reflects a fundamental shift in how the market is operating, cementing the position of corporations as the single largest source of demand for American stocks. The binge has helped sustain a bull market approaching its 10th birthday, even in the face of political, international, and economic uncertainty. They can print as much money as they want, to infinity. And they can use that money to buy as much stock as they want. There is no ceiling for the stock market because it's propped up by funny money. Theoretically, the Market can go arbitrarily high for as long as bankers want, but there are two main issues to this: #1- the are no greater fools; therefore, no way to extract wealth from these inflated prices. #2- consequently, it is not liquid. Therefore the first bank to panic will rip off all the rest of them. The Market can run as long as the FED and other Central Banks can print, and the accumulating inefficiencies do not entirely choke off the economy. As long as people choose to believe in the con, the Market has upside potential. Often it is their wallet that compels them to believe, regardless of what their head says. When this "market" loses its ability to control the sheeple, a new game will be introduced; depressions work really well in keeping sheeple in line, as do wars. President Trump has repeatedly said the U.S. economy under his watch has been extraordinary. His tweeted descriptors have included "BOOMING," "GREAT," "stronger than ever," and "perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history." But a slew of recent data suggests the Trump economy has fared no differently than other expansions at this stage. And those same numbers indicate the president's economy may be headed toward a downturn. Trump's economy is a house of cards built on deficit spending and a tax cut for the 1%. giving corporations a massive tax cut so they can buy back stock and juice the Market is the reason the stock markets were up 31% in Trump's first two years. now that the cocaine high has worn off, it's become apparent that stock buybacks don't put more money in the hands of consumers, which is what the economy really needs. Millionaires, billionaires, and poor people all eat about the same number of calories every day. However, there are more poor people than all the millionaires and billionaires combined, and as a whole, the poor represent a larger share of GDP and potential growth of GDP than the millionaires and billionaires do. It is so easy to understand; the marginal propensity to consume is inversely proportional to the level of income in a household. The more a family will earn, the stronger will its tendency to save be. Lower-income families cannot save, and as a matter of fact, 40% of households do not have $400 in cash reserve to cover for a possible emergency. The marginal propensity to consume is exceptionally high, the lesser the income. Tax reductions are not a useful stimulus tool. In this world of nearly 0% interest on cash balances or savings, all the extra money provided on tax reductions for the wealthiest goes into speculative investments on the stock market. It does not favor savings, and it promotes more speculative activities. It is destructive in nature. Moreover, regional disparities make matters worse. A household earning more than $100,000 in a large metropolis is barely breaking even, while $50,000 in a small town USA is more than sufficient. The median income is not a significant statistical tool as $200,000 annually in San Fransisco to cite just one example is peanuts, compared to an equivalent amount in the small-town USA. Wages may be on the rise in San Fransisco but barely enough to keep pace with inflation. The point here is that productivity is down. That is obviously a better gauge with respect to economic health. If the economy is so great, there is no need for the Fed to decrease rates. That would be an artificial stimulus that would accomplish nothing in the long term; in fact, it would hurt. Trump bought himself some time by borrowing lots of money and cutting a big check to business and high-income households, but I think his policies are driving the economy into the ditch. The stock market has become the Magic Market. It hasn't followed any of the traditional elements since 2006 Looks like monetary stimulus has only amplified the extremes — inflation at one end and deflation at the other end. The system is entirely out of balance. The stock market is really wholly divorced from the real economy. The Dow can stay disconnected forever. It no longer measures business success. The Market only measures itself. A number that measures itself is free to assume any value in the number line, from negative infinity to positive infinity. The stock market is controlled by a few, with the bankers being part of the control. There are no more price/earnings or ROI anymore. It is nothing but a gambling casino controlled by a few. Wall Street exists only for Wall Street and not to help push the economy of America. The real economy has been in decline for over a decade. While the managed fraud they call a market is a fairy-tale called the land of make-believe. The illusion has become real. Total manipulation and distraction by the elite to keep their status while everything burns. Central banks have all over the world were flooding credit. For decades, if not longer. There is more credit, knee-high than customers. What were junk bonds, ugly girls, are now with excess world credit looking like beautiful models. Wall Street, like Washington, is completely disconnected from reality. They are major money-laundering centers of fraud, recycling Wahhabi dollars like a financial bordello for elites. Wall Street lives in La-La-Land. Meanwhile, in real America, life is not so rosy as Trump and his 1% club claim it's going. Everywhere you travel in America, and it's tough to find any community outside of the vicinity of Wall Street in New York City that is getting any of the benefits of the "Bull Market" you see on Wall Street. There has never been a moment like this for so many reasons, starting with the unlimited printing of currency. This economy is a game of musical chairs. There are at least two hundred participants for every chair. It is going to be quite a spectacle when the music stops. By mid-September, if not sooner, that bubble will pop, and the Bond bubble will pop quickly thereafter, and the U.S. Dollar will begin a 50% dive into the abyss of worthlessness. And when the Market goes down, it will be to strip pensions and 401K's, certainly not the one percent. The storm clouds are looming, and disaster could strike at any time. This is one of the most critical times in the history of our nation, and most Americans are completely unprepared for what is going to happen next." Yes, Yes, most Americans are never prepared for anything-what else is new? Market crashes are sure excellent for speculators, however-cheap stock, and then after a while cheap real estate. The only problem is getting that market top right; easier said than done. It's 1929 All Over Again. Household debt recently hit $13.5 trillion — up to $837 billion from 2008. Student debt hit $1.5 trillion - 40% of underemployed young people default. Obese Americans on mobility scooters purchase less junk food. The velocity of M2 Money Stock is nowhere, man. Homeless hordes and trailer park Trumpkins face a lack of sanitation. Trump's Budget Deficit is Double Obama's. all asset values are faux. At least one of the big banks is in way worse shape than they are telling us. The FED stress test was a lie. At least one of them should have failed miserably. Something is going on, and the insiders are keeping it a secret. And winter is coming. Bulldozing money to the banks did nothing but make the situation worse for every day working Americans. Prices are going up, and cars cost what houses used to cost; the home's out of reach for people not living in a lie. Let the banks burn, let regulation hit wall street, and get this chaos in order. Imprison those that would rig the system in their favor while people struggle paycheck to paycheck. Let it all fall apart so we can actually build something we can work with.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Global Economy enters Recession 2.0

The Global Economy enters Recession 2.0

The Next Great Depression - Recession 2020 As the global economy moves forward it is difficult to ignore that it is constructed on a weak foundation of imbalances, lies, and excesses. This is why we should expect the economic "end game" resulting from decades of failed policies to be very ugly. Sooner or later all great Ponzi schemes must come to an end. When the markets finally succumb to the fact that current economic policies have failed all will collapse and the "end-game" will have arrived. Following the financial Armageddon and I do mean following, as by "several" months, central banks will be forced to unleash such a massive amount of new currency into the system to combat a scourge of deflation that it will stagger the mind. This will in effect clear the deck of deadwood through hyperinflation and pave the way forward to introduce a new or a "batch of new" currencies. Call it a "re-alignment" if you wish, but in reality, it will be the recognition that our path was an unsustainable illusion and that a new start will be deemed the best path out of the legal morass that contagion and collapse has rendered. The debts that are not written off will become a moot point in that most will be devalued and paid off in worthless paper. The issue will not be what is fair but how to get from here to there with the least damage to the institutions and wealth those in power seek to protect. We must recognize that we are but pawns in the giant game known as the global economy. Please excuse the tone of this video, it is rooted in the idea that on occasion it is good to vent or say what is on our mind. Sometimes we have to simply concede things are what they are and find solace in the thought that things could be far worse. You can expect promises to be rewritten and broken. Rules will change as we go through the wash. Most people will see their assets rinsed away as society is put through the wringer. For example, expect the cost of living adjustment on social security to be modified reducing payments to the elderly. Adding to the woes of retirees is that many pensions will be forced to reduce payouts and break promises as the returns on their investment fail to meet expectations. Many of the guarantees and paper promises granted over the past decades will prove to be less valuable than the paper they are printed on. In 1929, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates several times in an attempt to cool the overheated economy and stock market, just as it did last year. By October, a powerful bear market had commenced, just as it did last year. On Thursday, October 24th 1929, a spate of panic selling occurred as investors began to realize that the stock boom was actually an over-inflated speculative bubble. Margin investors were being decimated as large numbers of stock investors tried to liquidate their shares to no avail. Millionaire margin investors went bankrupt almost instantly when the stock market crashed on October 28th and 29th. To make matters worse, many banks had invested their deposits in the stock market, just as they did in the crash that caused the Great Recession, causing these banks to lose their depositors’ savings as stocks plunged. Bank runs soon occurred when bank patrons tried to withdraw their savings from banks all at the same time. Major banks and brokerage firms became insolvent, adding more fuel to the stock market crash. The financial system was in shambles. The sad state of the economy is the result of failed economic policies designed to enrich the wealthy elite while impoverishing the masses. The government orchestrated 9/11 fraud hoisted on the American people has enabled hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars annually to be funneled into the Military Industrial Complex and has not only wrought havoc and misery on the countries invaded but on the American economy as well as the empire seeks to establish total hegemony over resource rich weaker nations. It is much easier for government to deceive people in a democracy where people assume everything is above board than in a dictatorship where they know it is not. The only valid solution to mankind’s suffering is the removal of ALL human governments A difference between the Great Depression and today is that the Great Depression came on relatively suddenly. Everyone noticed the difference and our rulers were caught off guard. So it became etched into our national consciousness. The American economy died in 2000, due to the absurd bubble blown by Greenspan. This time our rulers were ready and implemented historically lower interest rates, a flood of cheap labor, QE and other financial legerdemain, trillions of dollars deficits, endless war, trillions of dollars bank bailouts, phony financial statistics, stock purchases by Central Banks, and other coordinated actions by Central Banks. The slide was stretched over 20 years and the "facts" were managed. So perception of what was happening was obscured. Try to imagine what life would be like in 2020, if the painful, but proper medicine had been administered in 2000. We would have a painful memory, but we would be in a far better place now. But our rulers knew better. Great Depression 2.0 doesn't do justice to what is about to hit not just the US, but the entire world. Global Reset might be a better way of describing it because once the Shit Hits The Fan this time, there is not telling what will emerge from the smoking crater that used to be the global economy. Back in Great Depression I, people were still mostly farmers with skills that had been passed through the generations. Today, most Americans and others in advanced economies are totally disconnected from the land and the skills that sustained humanity throughout most of history. There are many other reasons why THIS TIME it is going to be exponentially worse than last time. Better be ready, it is coming on fast and hard and will blindside the vast majority of the clueless masses. This was The Atlantis Report . Please Like . Share . and Subscribe . Thank You . 0

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Sunday, May 22, 2022

This is How the Private Banks have a License to Create Money out of thin air !!

This is How the Private Banks have a License to Create Money out of thin air !!

The Private Banks have The License to Create Money !! -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash 4K Private banks can basically create new money as they wish. That used to be the privilege of the mint of princes and governments. It's a privilege to create money and therefore profits out of nothing. This privilege has been in the hands of the financial industry for a long time, and in recent years, it's been unchecked. It is not the central banks but the private banks that generate most of the money. A process is also known as deposit money creation. Money is created when someone goes to a bank to take out a loan; the bank opens an account and issues the funds. It's then in a contract with the individual who's taken out the loan. The bank hopes that the person will pay it back someday. That means what the original impulse to create money comes from private banks. If someone has savings, their money is parked in a savings account. The advantage for the bank is that a person can't just take it out. When the bank issues a loan, it's created from nothing. These two processes really don't have anything to do with each other even though it looks that way, and even though that's what the textbooks say. This is how it works. A customer wants to take out a loan for ten thousand dollars; the bank has to deposit between one and three percent so at least a hundred dollars with the central bank. That's it! In return, the bank is allowed to transfer ten thousand dollars to the customer's account. At the push of a button, the bank generates ten thousand dollars of electronic money from a hundred dollars, and in return, it collects the interest. This creation of deposit money is a license to create money. The banks are happy, of course, that they can do this because that gives them a free rein they get to keep the profits the seigniorage . That's a few billion every year. Who'd want to miss out on that; definitely not them. 90% of all our money just numbers on a computer in a bank somewhere. The banks make this money. Welcome to Atlantis Report. Fractional reserve banking could catch a bank short in the self-perpetuating panic of a bank run. Many U.S. banks were forced to shut down during the Great Depression because too many customers attempted to withdraw assets at the same time. Nevertheless, fractional reserve banking is an accepted business practice that is in use at banks worldwide. During a "bank run," depositors all at once demand their money, which exceeds the amount of reserves on hand, leading to a potential bank failure. The Ponzi system that exists is such that organizations are just borrowing large amounts of money from each other. And then using that to make money by lending it to others. Who is using that to lend it to others. Which means that you have a system where ultimately no one really got the money that backs up all the money that's being lent out. Subsequently when that system comes crashing down, then it's a good night. In today’s modern economy, most money takes the form of deposits, but rather than being created by a group of savers entrusting the bank withholding their money. Deposits are actually created when banks extend credit (i.e., create new loans). As Joseph Schumpeter once wrote, “It is much more realistic to say that the banks 'create credit,' that is, that they create deposits in their act of lending than to say that they lend the deposits that have been entrusted to them.” When a bank makes a loan, there are two corresponding entries that are made on its balance sheet, one of the assets side and one on the liabilities side. The loan counts as an asset to the bank, and it is simultaneously offset by a newly created deposit, which is a liability of the bank to the depositor holder. Contrary to the story described above, loans actually create deposits. Now, this may seem a bit shocking since, if loans create deposits, private banks are creators of money. But you might be asking, "Isn’t the creation of money the central banks’ sole right and responsibility?" Well, if you believe that the reserve requirement is a binding constraint on banks’ ability to lend, then yes, in a certain way, banks cannot create money without the central bank either relaxing the reserve requirement or increasing the number of reserves in the banking system. The truth, however, is that the reserve requirement does not act as a binding constraint on banks’ ability to lend and, consequently, their ability to create money. The reality is that banks first extend loans and then look for the required reserves later. Perhaps a few statements from some notable sources will help to convince you of that fact. Alan Holmes, a former senior vice president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, wrote in 1969, “in the real world banks extend credit, creating deposits in the process, and look for the reserves later.” Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the European Central Bank (ECB), in a speech given in December 2011, argued, “In reality, the sequence works more in the opposite direction with banks taking first their credit decisions and then looking for the necessary funding and reserves of central bank money.” Money and wealth have become more and more detached. Money is transitory and ephemeral, and it may soon be worthless if central bankers and politicians continue on their current path. But true wealth is permanent and tangible, and it has real value worldwide. Everyday citizens who save and invest have become guinea pigs in the central bankers’ laboratory. The world’s major financial players—national governments, big banks, multilateral institutions—will always muddle through by patching together new rules of the game. The real victims of the next crisis will be small investors who assumed that what worked for decades will keep working. Until 1971, the world was financially stable. Currencies were covered by gold; the real economy was an imbalance with the amount of money available. Then U.S. President Nixon needed money for the Vietnam War. He switched on the money printing machine, not least because OPEC had increased oil prices. This money then flooded the world. Banks came up with new investment models. They now wanted to make money not with goods but with money alone. This was the start of the financial industry of today. Credit cards and current accounts accelerated financial transactions. Former public responsibilities were privatized; pensions are a case in point; the private sector is better at everything than the state, so they said. New billions came into play. In the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher deregulated the banks in London. Bill Clinton did the same later on Wall Street. Money was to earn money and thereby create growth. The global casino was open for business. This path of liberalization was a mistake; it's also the wrong word - if you deregulate markets that need to be regulated, then you create chaos, you unleash an avalanche of money onto the world. You can call that liberalization, but it was a policy that benefited only a few people, namely the rich. It has caused a lot of problems for the world. The liberalization of deregulation allowed the deals of the banks to explode. They now acted internationally. Major banks have become investment establishments that fund huge deals. More and more money goes into speculation. That's where big money is made. This has less and less to do with the real economy. The money creation process also seems to be something of a mystery among academics and even in the banking boardrooms. The banks are silent for a reason; they would have to explain to their customers that these days, it's them creating the money and them benefiting hugely as a result. Money isn't neutral, after all. It's not the central banks, but private banks that generate most of this new money. A process is also known as deposit money creation. The money is created when someone goes to a bank to take out a loan. The bank opens an account and issues the funds. It's then in a contract with the individual who's taken out the loan. The bank hopes that the person will pay it back someday. That means that the original impulse to create money comes from private banks. Private banks basically create new money as they wish. That used to be the privilege of the mint of governments. It's a privilege to create money and, therefore, profits out of nothing. This privilege has been in the hands of the financial industry for a long time, and in recent years it's been unchecked. This financial system will keep growing and sprawling the prospects of big profits. The low-interest rates, the deluge of money, these elements make for an explosive mix. One thing is sure this sick financial system is going to cost us a lot of money. I don't think anyone will come out of this situation unscathed. We've been living on loans. There will be wealth destruction. Our current financial system is very likely to lead to the next disaster. We need a different system. But it would be enough if we just returned to what we had — highly regulated financial markets, and a banking sector under control and whose purpose was to serve. We want the creation of money to be state-controlled and not in the hands of private banks . Billions in interest payments would then flow into the public purse. The monetary system will fail because the debt-based system relies on continually expanding debt. But the more the debt expands, the lower the value of the currency unit. Eventually - the limit is reached. As debt goes exponential, the currency value goes to zero. No currency system ever survives. They all die the same way. With more money in circulation but the same quantity of goods, the pressure mounts for prices to rise. But This Money supply isn't finding it's way out of banks and into the hands of ordinary people in the form of wages, which explains why commodity/energy inflation is so flat despite market growth. The oxymoron of it all, as long as the household debt remains above 105% of income, the fed has to keep rates low to stabilize disposable income. The Fed, whether it knows it or not, is countering the effects of 40 years' failure of trickle-down, giving pointless tax incentives to the wealthy, while technology and Global free trade carve out considerable holes in domestic labor demand. 99.99% have no insight; None. But the herd knows something is not right. When the currency is created as debt, which it is, it REQUIRES an ever-expanding currency supply forever. Say they print a million bucks, and that’s the only money there is. At 2% interest, that million bucks requires $1,020,000 to be paid back. Where’s the extra $20 grand come from. It doesn’t exist, so it has to be printed too. And you can’t actually pay off the million, because then there’d be no money in circulation. So you have to reprint the million-plus 20 grand. Now, if you want the economy to grow, that million dollars has to grow too. Otherwise, you’d have 0% GDP growth. So 1 million becomes 2 million. Well, now you owe 40 grand in interest. This has been the way the siren works for over a century now. External debts and our currency and our economy are all linked. Now for the real kick in the nuts. If you want the economy to keep growing at the same rate, the debt must grow at an exponential rate. If society is used to the growth rate from 1 million to 2 million, you can’t just go to 3 million next time. From 1 to 2, it was 100%. From 2 to 3 would only be 50%. So you have to grow it from 2 to 4 million. Of course, then you owe 80 grand in interest. And the next printing has to go from 4 million to 8 million. And on and on it goes. Any attempted slowdown in the growth leads to economic contraction. That’s what the QT over the last year did. So now we see the economy slow. So they have to print more. And even if they save the economy again, next time they will just have to print even more. This is the real crux of it all. The debt is literally REQUIRED to grow not at a linear rate, but at an exponential one. The average human mind has trouble comprehending exponential growth, but we’ve reached the point where either we have the economy slow, or our debt goes full-on hockey stick at this point in the graph. Or, we get a new monetary system and currency and start over. Those are literally the only choices. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. And Subscribe. Thank You.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Why they are waging a Global War on Cash

Why they are waging a Global War on Cash

The War On Cash & Negative Interest Rate Bonds Explained Cash is largely anonymous, untraceable and uncontrollable, hence it makes central authorities, in a system increasingly requiring total buy-in in order to function, extremely uncomfortable. They regard there being no legitimate reason to own more than a small amount of it in physical form, as its ownership or use raises the specter of tax evasion or other illegal activities: The assumption on the part of government today is that possession of large amounts of cash is indicative of involvement in illegal activity. If you’re traveling with thousands of dollars in cash and get pulled over by the police, don’t be surprised when your money gets seized as “suspicious.” And if you want your money back, prepare to get into a long, drawn-out court case requiring you to prove that you came by that money legitimately, just because the courts have decided that carrying or using large amounts of cash is reasonable suspicion that you are engaging in illegal activity . Despite the supposed connection between crime and the holding of physical cash, the places where people are most inclined (and able) to store cash do not conform to the stereotype at all: Are Japan and Switzerland havens for terrorists and drug lords? High-denomination bills are in high demand in both places, a trend that some politicians claim is a sign of nefarious behavior. Yet the two countries boast some of the lowest crime rates in the world. The cash hoarders are ordinary citizens responding rationally to monetary policy. The Swiss National Bank introduced negative interest rates in December 2014. The aim was to drive money out of banks and into the economy, but that only works to the extent that savers find attractive places to spend or invest their money. With economic growth an anemic 1%, many Swiss withdrew cash from the bank and stashed it at home or in safe-deposit boxes. High-denomination notes are naturally preferred for this purpose, so circulation of 1,000-franc notes (worth about $1,010) rose 17% last year. They now account for 60% of all bills in circulation and are worth almost as much as Serbia’s GDP. Japan, where banks pay infinitesimally low interest on deposits, is a similar story. Demand for the highest-denomination ¥10,000 notes rose 6.2% last year, the largest jump since 2002. But 10,000 Yen notes are worth only about $88, so hiding places fill up fast. That explains why Japanese went on a safe-buying spree last month after the Bank of Japan announced negative interest rates on some reserves. Stores reported that sales of safes rose as much as 250%, and shares of safe-maker Secom spiked 5.3% in one week. In Germany too, negative interest rates are considered intolerable, banks are increasingly being seen as risky prospects, and physical cash under one’s own control is coming to be seen as an essential part of a forward-thinking financial strategy . Negative rates in the historical record are symptomatic of times of crisis when conventional policies have failed, and as such are rare. Their use is a measure of desperation .

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

What's Really Causing The Financial Crisis

What's Really Causing The Financial Crisis

What are the CDOs : The Root Cause of The Financial Crisis & between a CDO and a MBS? Arguably, the financial crisis was caused in large part by something called a collateralized debt obligation, or CDO. The global financial meltdown, at the cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. This is the toxic financial product (i.e., CDO - Collateralized Debt Obligation). Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are different concepts with frequent overlap between them. MBS are investments that are repackaged by small regional banks as a means of funding mortgages by reselling them as securities through investment markets. CDO investments are typically used for packaging many mortgages and other loan instruments together by risk level for investors. Many MBS are also CDOs. After a small bank funds a mortgage, the mortgage is then packaged as an investment with real estate backing the security as collateral. A CDO (collateralized debt obligation) can be backed by any debt collateral, including mortgages, bonds, private loans, etc. Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) is a type of CDO that is explicitly backed by a pool of mortgages. A CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation) is a type of bond that is sold almost exclusively to institutions. An ordinary Government or Corporate Bond is a loan made to a Government or Company. Terms of the bond determine when it needs to be paid back and at what interest rate. Most Bonds are backed by the authority of the government or the assets of the company. A CDO is a loan to an artificial entity created specifically for the CDO. The CDO is backed by a portfolio of Loans or Mortgages pledged to it. The loans are purchased from the Original Lender. Lenders will frequently sell off discounted, performing loans to brokerage firms so that the Lenders can initiate new loans (and collect the fees that go with new loans). The terms and credit rating of each CDO is based on the rates and quality of the loans pledged to it. Unlike ordinary Corporate Bonds, CDOs generally have pre-payment risk. That is, the people who took the underlying loans may pay them off early. Consequently, CDOs pay typically both principal and interest over the life of the bond. CDO's containing mortgages were among the securities at the root of the 2008 Financial crises. CDOs are improperly given high credit ratings often defaulted, as did the securities used to insure against default. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. In the old system, when a homeowner paid their mortgage every month; the money went to their local lender. And since mortgages took decades to repay, lenders were careful. In the new system, lenders sold the mortgages to investment banks. The investment banks combined thousands of mortgages and other loans, including car loans, student loans, and credit card debt, to create complex derivatives called collateralized debt obligations or CDOs. The investment banks then sold the CDOs to investors. Now when homeowners paid their mortgages, the money went to investors all over the world. The investment banks paid rating agencies to evaluate the CDOs, and many of them were given a triple-a rating, which is the highest possible investment grade. This made CDO is popular with retirement funds; which could only purchase highly rated securities. This system was a ticking time bomb. Lenders didn't care anymore about whether a borrower could repay. So they started making riskier loans. The investment banks didn't care either; the more CDOs they sold, the higher their profits. And the rating agencies which were paid by the investment banks had no liability if their ratings of CDOs proved wrong. There was another ticking time bomb in the financial system. AIG, the world's largest insurance company, was selling vast quantities of derivatives called credit default swaps. For investors who owned CDOs, credit default swaps worked like an insurance policy. An investor who purchased a credit default swap paid AIG a quarterly premium. If the CDO went bad, AIG promised to pay the investor for their losses. But unlike regular insurance, speculators could also buy credit default swaps from AIG in order to bet against CDOs they didn't own. Since credit default swaps were unregulated, AIG didn't have to put aside any money to cover potential losses. Instead, AIG paid its employees huge cash bonuses as soon as contracts were signed. But if the CDOs later went bad, AIG would be on the hook. And then there is the maker of the time bomb, the federal government which, through Fannie, Freddie, and HUD enacted policies that resulted in a dramatic expansion of the subprime market. The subprimes flooded the financial sector. Were it not for government intrusion into the housing market, none of this would have happened. During the bubble, the investment banks were borrowing heavily, to buy more loans, and create more CDOs. The ratio between borrowed money and the banks' own money was called leverage. The more the banks borrowed, the higher their leverage. By 2008, home foreclosures were skyrocketing, and the securitization foodchain imploded. Lenders could no longer sell their loans to the investment banks, and as the loans went bad, dozens of lenders failed. The market for CDOs collapsed, leaving the investment banks holding hundreds of billions of dollars in loans, CDOs, and real estate they couldn't sell. Top executives of the insolvent companies walked away with their personal fortunes intact. The executives had hand-picked their boards of directors, which handed out billions in bonuses after the government bailout. The major banks grew in power and doubled anti-reform efforts. Academic economists had, for decades, advocated for deregulation and helped shape U.S.policy. They still opposed reform after the 2008 crisis. A Collateralized Debt Obligation or CDO is a type of structured asset-backed security. Originally it was used in corporate debt markets, but with recent changes, it has encumbered to include mortgages as well as credit card debt, student loan debt, auto loan debt, etc. Although CDOs were commonly linked with mortgage loans due to the housing boom and the mortgages being more readily available than other loans to be packaged as collateral. With the recent 2008 market crash, CDOs have been known to be filled with sub-prime mortgages. Sub-prime mortgages are mortgages that are lent to those with less than minimally required credit score and down payment in borrowing money for a prime mortgage. Usually, to borrow money for a home, it was required the borrower was required to have a credit score of around 650 and 30% down. After the markets dried up of quality Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS), the banks wanted more mortgages to package into bonds and sell. So the lenders started bottom-feeding and lowered their minimum criteria, now borrowers were required to have (maybe) 500 credit score or less and no money down. Many sub-prime mortgages were given teaser rates better known as an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM), so after a year, the interest rate skyrockets, forcing borrowers to pay a much higher monthly payment, which would be about 2 to 3.5 times their initial monthly payments. Now back to CDOs, The CDO was for the investor was like a promise-to-pay pool of mortgages that the investor was given a pre-determined amount of payouts until maturity. The CDOs were fraudulently packaged with mislabeled credit ratings, so investors expected an excellent return plus the decreased risk. For purchase prices and payouts, higher-rated CDOs were more expensive to buy and paid fewer dividends since there is a lower risk of default. While lower-rated CDOs were cheaper to buy, and the dividends were paid higher dividends since there is a much higher risk of default. Each CDO has a varying amount of risk, which is identified as AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC, etc., with AAA being the most secure. However, pre-2008, even the AAA-rated bonds had a lot of subprime debt, with AA and below having an even more immense load of subprime debt. Market Facts: The popularity of CDOs skyrocketed almost overnight, between 2003 to 2007, Wall Street issued nearly $700 billion in CDOs, including MBSs as collateral. The global CDO market is estimated at around $1.5 trillion US Dollars. The very nature of CDOs is the biggest drawback as it is a product of Financial Engineering, which is made by computer models for valuing the product. As the market became more competitive, more complex CDO’s were made to meet the market appetite for CDOs. Slowly by 2007, the mortgage delinquencies started going through the roof because most of the subprime loans were given to people with poor creditworthiness who couldn’t repay, and the home prices started to drop, this sent the values of CDO’s down south. The issue was that derivatives like CDO started multiplying the effect of the housing bubble burst. These were not only held by banks but also by investors around the world, which included individuals, pension funds, hedge funds, and various corporations. Since these instruments derived their values from assets (in our case homes) whose values started to drop, this caused a chain reaction leading to crashing prices of CDO’s. This opaqueness and complexity of CDO’s made banks realize that they cannot value the products held by them as assets. Banks started refusing to lend money as they didn’t want CDO’s in return, overnight the markets for CDO’s vanished. This was the reason for one of the largest banks in the world Lehman Brothers to collapse and file for bankruptcy as the value of assets it held in the form of CDO’s dropped, making it bankrupt in the process. In this process, a considerable amount of wealth was lost by investors around the world. This led to a global recession and lower economic activity, which caused large scale unemployment. The Aftermath. The biggest change in the aftermath of the crisis was the introduction of DFA (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act). Amongst many others, the DFA aims to make the financial system more transparent and to prevent risky practices. It is also interesting to know that the notional value of credit derivatives by 2011 has hit its pre-crisis levels during 2008. For the banks, the DFA has created new restrictions. This includes an amount of capital that needs to be maintained by them as per BASEL-III norms. It also restricts the amount of business the banks can enter into with Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds. But by knowing Man’s greed for money and our history, we can assume that the banks have already bypassed the DFA in a smart manner. History Repeats Itself. As CDO has become a kind of Taboo or you could say “That Who Must Not Be Named,” the banks and financial institution that are in hunger for higher margins and growth have filled the old wine in new bottle and titled it as “Bespoke Tranche Opportunity” or known as BTO’s which are similar to CDO’s. By the end of 2017, almost $ 50 billion worth, BTO was being sold on an annual basis. This may sound insignificant compared to the global financial market but is growing at an exponential pace. There are striking differences between CDO and BTO in two aspects. A BTO is created as per investor preference, as opposed to CDO, which are designed by the banks and then sold to the market. This circumvents the regulations set in by the government worldwide. These CDOs before the crisis were called as Synthetic CDO, whereas BTO is a Single Tranche CDO. A single tranche CDO is where the entire ownership lies with the investor and is called as full- capital structure, in such a structure, the risk for the banks are minimal. Secondly, BTO’s are derivatives, and not asset-backed securities, as was the case with most CDO’s. This ensures that the value of BTO’s are not directly linked to the performance of the real economy but rather based on the rating given by Rating agencies. At this moment, nothing much is known about the exact structure of each BTO. As more layers of derivatives are created, it will increase the leverage of the underlying asset and cannot cover for the initial losses that occur. Conclusion. CDO’s are not inherently flawed instruments because, in principle, they are powerful risk management devices. They allow diversifying risk, which otherwise would be quite concentrated. During the crisis, CDO was created for improving their profits and were not motivated for risk management. Currently, CDO’s are more in tune with their actual purpose of risk diversification and not risk amplification. Going ahead, the CDO contracts must be more standardized. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. And Subscribe. Thank You.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Banks Will Take Your Money in the Coming Financial Crisis

Banks Will Take Your Money in the Coming Financial Crisis

The Tower of Global Debt is Wavering -- $257 Trillion Debt Bomb . It is said that if you have ten dollars bill and no debt, you are actually richer than 20 percent of the Americans. This Fiat Con has been a Ticking Time Bomb for a very very long time! People should be fearful that this tower of debt is visibly wavering. More than a decade after the financial crisis, the amount of combined global government, corporate, and household debt has $257 trillion. Global debt has grown by about 50% in the last ten years. More and more debt needs to be created every day, or the system collapses upon itself! The FED will secure it with even more debt. Its the only thing they can do because they run a DEBT based financial system. And all the interest can never ever ever be paid back. Twelve years on from the global financial crisis, the world continues to reap the consequences. The Entire world is now awash in paper and drowning in debt. BUT, the Central bankers are buying gold. What does that tell us; as the Mainstream media remains silent to the disaster. Buy Precious Metals. Your pond will thank you. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. As the U.S.-China trade war continues and economies take a dive, already low global interest rates could drop even further. The Institute of International Finance noted that total worldwide debt is now $257 trillion, up nearly 50 percent. Although the borrowing helped the recession, the massive debt prevents regulators from increasing interest rates. As many of us still remember from 2008, household debt was one of the trigger points that led to the great financial crisis. So I think it is always important to keep in mind how has the debt load grown over time. So over the last twelve years so we are using 2008 as the beginning period and looking at where we stand today for beginning 2020. We can see the various debt segments have actually grown quite differently. From a total global debt estimate perspective, back in 2008, we were looking at about a hundred eighty trillion dollars of total global debt. Today sitting here sort of first quarter 2020, we are looking at more than 250 trillion. So we have definitely seen continued growth of debt. Sort of 1.7 multiple from where we were 12 years ago. Let's look at household debt since that's what we are all familiar with. We have seen household that grown by about 1.7 multiple. Student debt has been something that we have been talking about a lot. Student debt has actually grown from about 600 billion in 2008 to about 1.4 trillion. So when you do the math, that's about a 2.4 multiple over the 12 years period. So compare that to the household debt, we have actually seen a faster growth of student debt. Global corporate debt is now above $29 trillion, with around one-quarter maturing over five years. Corporate debt is actually a tale of two worlds. When you look at the financial institutions, the banks, and the like. The debt has actually stabilized around the same level as it was in 2008. So we have seen maybe a small five or ten percent growth on the debt level for financial institutions. For nonfinancial institutions, on the other hand, as a lot of companies have really tried to take advantage of this low-interest-rate environment, their debt has grown much more than financial institutions. By my estimate, it's grown about 1.7 multiple from twelve years ago. Corporations are borrowing money that can only be paid back if profits increase, but 70% of the US economy is generated by consumer spending. The average U.S. household has $7,000 in credit card debt and pays more than $1,000 a year in interest. From 2008 to today, a lot of governments got involved in quantitative easing, QE. And part of a QE requires the government to put a lot of liquidity into the marketplace, and therefore, a lot of government had to take on the additional burden of debt to make that possible. So a government debt that has grown about 1.8 multiple over the last twelve years. From about 40 trillion up to close to 70 trillion. So that's on a global footprint. That's how we see government debt. And from that group, we see one of the countries standing out as an outlier, that's China. In 2008 our estimate is there were about 7 trillion dollars of Chinese government debt. And today, there are around 40 trillion dollars of Chinese government debt. So when we do the math, it's almost a six-times multiple over the last 12 years. So we can definitely see a different pace of different countries picking up additional debt to their debt load. The world's already gigantic debt load broke the record for the highest debt-to-GDP ratio before 2019 was even over. As a matter of fact, it already broke that record in the first nine months of 2019. Global debt, which includes borrowings from households, governments, and companies, rose by $9 trillion to approximately $253 trillion throughout that period. That places the global debt-to-GDP ratio at 322%, tightly outpacing 2016 as the highest level on record. More than half of this vast number was amassed in developed markets, such as the United States and Europe, bringing their debt-to-GDP ratio to 383% as a whole. There is a large number of culprits for this Global debt increase. Countries such as New Zealand, Switzerland, and Norway all have growing household debt levels, whereas the government debt-to-GDP ratios in the United States and Australia are at all-time highs. In emerging markets, debt levels are still lower, for a total amount of $72 trillion, but they have expanded faster over the last few years. For example, China's ratio of debt to GDP is nearing 310%, the highest level in the developing world. Watch emerging market debt. It's all dollar-denominated. The defaults come when the emerging market currencies start to go into the toilet versus the dollar. They have to repay in dollars, and the cost of acquiring those dollars will go hockey stick quickly. The bitch of it: dollars are, by no means, in short, enough supply to justify emerging market exchange rates to go hockey stick on that metric alone. The world is swimming in dollars. Countries are looking to trade out of their dollars (Treasuries) by taking our frack oil in return for them. And we have Repo Madness. The emerging market currencies versus the dollar will very quickly be shown as a case of trading for the best horse in the glue factory, causing a massive dollar bubble, which will be one of the last to pop. Such gargantuan worldwide debt is a real risk for the global economy, especially as experts expect levels to grow even further in 2020. Encouraged by low-interest rates and loose financial conditions. The Federal Reserve lowered interest rates three times last year, and the European Central Bank's benchmark rate is still at its post-financial crisis lows. The master plan is quite simple. The plan is for the US always to have a better interest rate than their slave economies: Japan (Bank of Japan), Europe (ECB), UK (Bank Of England). The US and US economy need only to appear in better shape as the best in the basket of the many already in BIG trouble world economies to continue to receive the money flow from all over the world, making the US and US elite richer and richer and even more powerful. That means, if rates in the US are at 1.5% then rates in Japan, Europe, the UK should be much worse than that. As long as the wealth transfer from the middle-class worldwide to the US and US elite hands continue, they are very satisfied and delighted with that. In spite of advantageous borrowing conditions, the refinancing risk is enormous. As a total of more than $19 trillion of syndicated loans and bonds will mature in 2020. It's unthinkable that all of these will be refinanced or repaid. ALL of that debt is bad debt. This is going to culminate in the greatest hoovering of leftover capital ever, without exception. And we haven't discussed pensions. A sovereign debt crisis will almost always be accompanied by a banking crisis or trade crisis, a currency crisis, sometimes a social crisis. The pressure on the politicians who are there when the crisis begins is intense because they all know that history suggests that the politicians there when a crisis begins are rarely the ones there when it ends. All the conditions are in place for another crash. Trump drained the swamp by effectively bringing Goldman Sachs and a bunch of casino capitalists into his administration. Government Sachs as it's now known. American was to be a Credit nation, not a Debt nation. A Debt nation, where everyone is a slave to the Banks, is no longer a Republic. Killing Glass-Steagall made it once again possible for bankers to create all the money and decide what to loan it out for, even if it was speculative, and it sure has been. 1.4 Quadrillion dollars derivatives held by the banks, the most in debt of all. We are now living in a state of neofeudalism. Capitalism has not existed in 100 years. We have bankers and corporations who are in bed with the state. Everyone pays their dues to the rent-seekers. Everyone gets poor while a few at the top get rich. Increase debts which the suffering masses can be squeezed for in order to increase bank balances in the Caymans and Wall Street! Skid Row sends its best wishes! The system is broken, and we can't seem to be bothered to really fix it. Let's hit rock bottom soon. Then we don't have a choice anymore. People don't change until they have to anyway. But our society just wants to find ways to keep the dead beast moving. The longer we wait, the worse it will be. One thing is for sure, the average person, the worker who puts their labor into making this world and the wealth that it has, will get screwed over, while a few elites will benefit enormously. It's not coincidental that governments are showing new totalitarian stripes. Pathocracy puts continuity of pathocracy before all other considerations. Because they know that at some point, their debt-based Babylonian Ponzi scheme would become public knowledge, and they would have to contend with 7 billion angry people. They are prepared to annihilate most all biped life on earth in order to take earth and the resources for themselves. This is the problem when the citizenry doesn’t cut off wickedness before it blossoms this far. Greed and bribery tempted our leaders who threw us and the world under the bus. They have been planning for this day for a very long time. The result will be devastation. ALL Central banks are a criminal fraud based Unconstitutional banking system. The biggest scam ever perpetrated against the good peoples of planet earth. Central banks create backed by nothing debt notes out of thin air, charged to peoples of each country at full face value plus interest that never existed and can NEVER be repaid. Criminal central banks are a communist Marxist socialist system designed to enslave all peoples in every country on planet earth except criminal bankers. When they crash the world's central banking system, it will be as designed to bring about one-world government and monetary system. No middle class, no armed citizenry, no creator endowed inalienable rights. The whole show will come crashing down one of these days, maybe in a month, maybe in six months, maybe in 10 years. NOBODY knows. One thing is certain; the banks and the federal governments will get a debt jubilee, but not the working people. The future could be a civil war. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. And Subscribe. Thank You.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Truth about The Coming Global Currency Reset and The Decline of the US Dollar ....

The Truth about The Coming Global Currency Reset and The Decline of the US Dollar ....

The Truth About The Coming Global Currency Reset and The Decline of the US Dollar IF YOU ARE NOT OUTRAGED, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION. The income inequality in the United States has not been this pronounced in over a century. The middle class doesn't exist anymore, and the new working poor cannot continue for much longer. The top 10% has 50% of the country's Income. And the top 1% has 20% of the income. while a quarter of all American workers struggle on wages of less than $10 an hour putting them below the poverty line . Meanwhile the salaries of the CEOs of top corporations are often in the billions of dollars . Today there are 2200 billionaires in America. This income inequality is global ; the wealthiest 1% of the world's population controls 40% of The world's wealth. We are at a point in which the capitalist system; which has been the growing dominant system for the last 300 years; and wanted to present itself in contradiction to feudalism and slavery; as the system that creates a massive the middle class that lifts everybody up. And what we have now ; is that it has become the global system that is the exact opposite. It has reproduced the kinds of grotesque inequalities that we associate with everything from the Versailles Palace of the late King Louis back to the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It is a stunning expose of an economic system that couldn't deliver What it promised. And now wants to distract everybody from this harsh Reality. This is the a significant measure of a capitalist system by Its own claims, and it can't deliver. That's why we're besieged with economic and political theater; anti-immigration and tariffs; All that kind of stuff blaming foreigners for anything. Tto get us away from confronting an economic a system that doesn't work for the majority of the people. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. Not only this capitalism does not work, but the assault is being exacerbated. As we saw with the new tax code . The new tax code really is a kind of explosive excess. it's when you've crossed the line, and finally it is so grotesque that even those who didn't want to see are forced to see . We have had 30 to 40 years in which corporations have paid fewer taxes than they ever did. They have made more money than they ever did before. They have been able to keep wages stagnant; while the the productivity of labor rose. This is the last moment historically that they needed another big gift; let alone at the expense of the very people whose wages have been stagnant. To give them a tax bust of this sort; basically reducing from 35 percent to 20 percent is a 40 Percent cut. This kind of crazy excess does remind us of the late Louis in France before the French Revolution. When the level of excess reached the Explosive social dimensions. And I think That's where we are. what about that a moment in American history, let's call it the Golden Age of Labor right After World War Two. When ,capitalism took credit for and, we did have for a period of a couple of decades a well Compensated working class. Working class could be part of the middle Class. The irony which people don't want to remember ,yes that's true. I'd like to explain to you how the figures that they use to justify , what they call a recovery are, in fact, fictional. Yeah there's a number of ways in which this is done . You know; at any moment there are an immense array of economic statistics some of them make it look like the future might be a little bit better others make it look like the future look And grim. A reasonable approach tries to weigh these . But if you don't do analysis you do advertising or ideological more then you only look at the one . And you pretend the other ones don't exist. So bear with me . if I point out some of the data that don't show that this is a recovery. For example , the unemployment number that they love to talk about. This is the way unemployment numbers are gathered in America; which so few people understand it. You ask a lot of People, two questions: are you working? If they say yes. They're employed. If they say no . You ask them a second question: Are you looking for work, or are you not? If you say I am looking for work . You're counted as unemployed. If you say, I'm not looking. You are counted as out of the labor force. You are not counted as on the employee. So you don't need to be a statistical genius to understand that if over the last ten years a significant number of people gave up looking. Because it's too disgusting; because of the jobs they were offered was so inferior to what they had before; that the jobs they were offered were so insecure as to make their family life is impossible. So they either went back to school or went into the illegal economy or began to live off their friends relative And neighbors. Then you think the unemployment rate went down . As if this were an improvement. But the actuality is It's a deterioration. And we know that because ; what it does is; it leaves a the smaller number of people in the labor force to support the entire population. And that's fundamentally a bad thing. But it also does things like : if you are twenty-eight hours a week at Walmart. Which is the average hourly workweek at Walmart ; You're still below the poverty line. And the Walton family which is making eleven thousand dollars an hour will quite generously give you forms for food Stamps. Because you qualify. So we get to subsidize them. And even if you're working one hour a week, you're counted as employed. Yes, you are. You've put in the temporary category or part-time category. There are endless games that are being played. The bottom line is most observers admit that the quality of the job; its security; its benefits; its impact on your physical and mental health; all of that has been going down even as the wages have remained stagnant. So that by any of those measures we're not in a recovery. We're in an ongoing decline . Which by the the way is why Mr. Trump got elected. It's happening to the economies in Western Europe; Japan; and the United States. That's why an angry working class is looking for ways to express and change its circumstance. If we don't learn the lesson of the Great Depression, we're going to see this system spinning out of control and destroying itself in the very way its critics have for so long foreseen it. Which will mean that the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency . We will see the creation of a multipolar world; which means ; Instead of this kind of gradual decline of The American empire . It would really mean a pretty catastrophic economic meltdown for the United States. Right what we saw some time ago ; when Trump announced his big tariffs on China . We saw the stock market dropped 700 Points in one day. That's a sign of the anxiety ; the danger even in the minds of capitalists about where this is going. Just as we saw Warren Buffett and others say years earlier ; you can't keep taxing us this way ; when I pay less than my secretary. Because it is an unsustainable thing. As we approach the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The long history of the American Empire seems to be coming to a decline. The world currency role made U.S. financial hegemon. This power, together with the IMF and World Bank, enabled the U.S. to plunder foreign resources the way vanishing American resources had been looted. Countries are starting to abandon the US dollar as the currency of international transactions and arranging to settle their international accounts in their domestic currencies. China's Silk Road encompasses Russia with much of Asia in a trade bloc independent of the Western financial system. Other countries hoping to escape US control are turning to Russia and China to achieve sovereignty from Washington. These developments will reduce the demand for dollars and impair US financial hegemony. Alternatives to the World Bank will remove areas of the world from the reach of US plunder. What is left will be a ruin.As confirmed by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in his article American Decline. The United States seems to have an economic crisis every ten years or so. They are difficult to eradicate because their causes are different. But the results are always the same. They include high unemployment, near-bank collapse, and an economic contraction. These are all symptoms of a recession. To start planning for your future for the long term, here are the top predictions that will most affect the United States and your own personal economy over the next decade. Prepare Yourself For the Financial Crisis With These Predictions. By taking the time to understand these predictions, you may be able to better plan for your future. The best thing to do is to stay focused on your financial well-being. Continue to improve your skills and chart a clear course for your career. If you've invested in the stock market, be calm during any pull-back. Plummeting commodity prices, including gold, oil, and coffee, will return to the mean. All in all, an excellent time to reduce debt, build up your savings. The US economy will boom then bust. The Fed predicts that economic growth as measured by the gross domestic product will slow to 2.3 percent in 2019 it will be 2% in 2020 and 1.8 percent in 2021. That's within the ideal range of 2 to 3 percent. While the candidate Trump promised to boost growth to 4 percent growth. At that level could create a recession by 2020. It could set off a speculative boom and bust cycle. US manufacturing is forecast to increase faster than the general economy. The MAPI Foundation says increased capital growth and higher exports will boost manufacturing. It predicts production will grow by 3.9 percent in 2019; and will slow slightly to 2.4 percent in 2020, and 1.9 percent in 2021. The federal debt will increase. The U.S. Debt exceeded 22 trillion dollars in 2019 and had remained stable after sequestration kicked in. With that action, Congress required a mandatory 10 percent federal budget cut through 2021. The U.S., The debt to GDP ratio, is 106 percent, a level that is not sustainable. As interest rates rise, it will increase the interest payments on the debt. It's above the 77 percent tipping point recommended by the International Monetary Fund. Trump promised to reduce the debt, but so far, his policies will increase it by five point six trillion. The tax cut and Jobs Act alone, one trillion dollars supply-side economics, say that lowering business taxes frees up more funds to hire more workers. But it doesn't work when the maximum tax rate is below 50 %, according to the Laffer curve. Instead, it just adds to the debt. Disagreements over how to reduce the debt may translate into a debt crisis. If the debt ceiling needs to be raised in the long term balancing the budget means spending cuts. Since Trump has cut taxes, Social Security pays for itself, and Medicare partially does, at least for now, as Washington wrestles with the best ways to address the debt. Uncertainty arises over tax rates benefits. And federal programs businesses react to this uncertainty by hoarding cash, hiring temporary instead of full-time workers, and delaying significant investments. The dollar will resume its loss of value. The value of the dollar will continue to decline; prior to 2015, forex traders were betting on a strong dollar when the Fed announced that it would raise interest rates. Now that it's happened, traders realize rates are only rising slowly. They will find another currency to bet on. Foreign investors will become more concerned about U.S. debt. They fear that the US wants the dollar to decline; so that the relative value of its national debt is less. They will diversify their portfolios with more non dollar-denominated assets such as the euro. A weak dollar increases import prices, which contributes to inflation. And increases oil and gas prices. It also lowers export prices spurring economic growth. The value of the dollar will continue to experience dips and swells, affecting everything you buy. The US global power is declining. Prepare yourself by taking the time to understand these predictions. The best thing to do is to stay focused on your financial well-being. Continue to improve your skills and chart a clear course for your career. If you're invested in the stock market be calm during any pullback . All in all an excellent time to reduce debt build up your savings . Welcome to the divided slaves of America!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

Blog Archive

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger

once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger

“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger

"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?


“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941

Taxing People is Punishing Success

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid

Stefan Molyneux

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus

The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros

"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.

By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."

USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924

Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money

Taxation is legalized Theft

"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker

Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....

Bob Dylan

"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich

There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle

litical Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon

The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow

When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !


Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake

The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

Albert Einstein

In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left

No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please

Freedom is not Free

Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition

Ron Paul

"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff

You can love your Country and not your Government

Jesse Ventura

" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo

"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN

"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN

"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN

"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."

Serial Killer Richard Ramirez

There is a Class War going on in America, & unfortunately, my class is winning." Warren Buffet

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Aspire not to have More but to be More "

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

What You Own Owns You

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN