Thursday, February 23, 2017
Trey Gowdy for president -- Anonymous
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Friday, January 6, 2017
Anonymous : A Message For The Elite and all Corrupt Governments & Politicians Greedy Bankers
We Are Anonymous - Expect Us In 2017
A Message For The Elite and all corrupt governments and politicians greedy bankers, greedy CEO's greedy corporations..
Anonymous, we are getting bigger every year and governments are fearing what we do and how many of the masses we are helping to wake up.
This is why they have introduced FAKE NEWS because they want to use this War on Fake News because the TRUTH is spreading.
Hello World, We are Anonymous,
That time is here once more. The time to set goals of changing our lives for the better as we bid 2016 goodbye and welcome 2017 in hopes of becoming better people and a better world.
With all that has gone on in 2016, all the good and all the bad, let's not push the things that can teach us aside. We must keep that with us at all times. We must keep the bad and the good. We must learn from history. We must not forget it and we must all keep what we remember on record so that the ones in power cannot change it; they will, they always do.
In another decade, what will they say in schools? How much of what we have fought for will be erased or changed? We must always let our children know the truth so that they can pass it down to their children and so on.
Remember the real stories and not the lies that are constantly spewed from the mouths of so-called journalists from the mainstream media. Keep written documents, printed pictures, anything that shows the truth. Do not trust having such things on a computer that can be wiped out by an EMP or a cyber attack from the powers that be.
And I leave you with this: Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours and let every New Year make you a better person.
Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.
So we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent. Happy New Year world. Remember we are given the gift of life, it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.
Dear citizens of this world, friends, the success of the entire world depends on the efficient work and achievement of each. We are united by the same goals, by our common desire to benefit our planet and by our sense of responsibility for its future.
For our parents to be surrounded by love and care, so that all the good things they have ever taught us comes back to them. Let our children grow smart and active with love, responsiveness, kind-heartedness and compassion supports us in our everyday chores.
Let us stand for what is right and not what is wrong in this world. There are a few hours left before the New Year. Let us wish each other success and happiness. Let us thank each other for understanding and support, for the sympathy and responsiveness we give each other. Let us raise a toast to the prosperity and well being of each and every citizen of this world.
We are Anonymous,
we are legion,
united as one,
divided by zero,
we do not forgive,
we do not forget,
In 2017 the Elite can..
Expect Us!
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Anonymous - Message to Our World Leaders 2017
Message to Our World Leaders 2017
This is a message to the various men and women of “power” who claim the positions of national leaders & government officials. Enough! It's long past time to stop playing the blame game. This pointless bickering is doing nothing but tearing our species apart!
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We can Forgive,
Though we shall Never Forget,
Expect us!
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Anonymous #FakeNews
We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Anonymous - The Movement
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Anonymous - A Reminder To Everyone
Greetings Citizens of the World.
Citizens of the Internet.
And all Participating Members.
We are Anonymous.
The Mainstream Corporate Media, working with its own corporate agendas, censoring and creating media black outs concerning serious world issues that impact the lives of the majority of humanity, the 99%!
Genocide of all indigenous cultures around the globe, whose sacred land we walk on. We stand against the continual white-washing of such history, and the continual injustices indigenous people face today, as voiced by the current movement 'IDLE NO MORE'!
WAR in all forms from all sanctions! The military industrial complex and its subversive actions, that have no transparency; whose lies and false intelligence serve to protect corrupt corporate government tactics, orchestrated military invasions and sanctions that are killing innocent civilians globally for the purpose of profit, and stealing resources.
The illegal detention and mistreatment of WHISTLE-BLOWERS, such as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and many others who have sought to expose illegal operations.
Banking Cartels and Austerity measures that turn us into debt slaves, while being protected by government bail-outs when they fail.
Inflicted Homelessness, as a direct result of Austerity measures, and crippling debt structures, designed to fail.
Monsanto patenting of nature's seed banks, attacks on farmers, stealing their lands, manipulation of our foods via G.M.O., chemical technologies and pesticides that are a health hazard and threaten extinction of nature's plants, foods, and bees.
The N.S.A. and PRISM government programs that spy on citizens globally, taking away all privacy rights via warrant-less searches, and infiltration of the people's use of the Internet and social media.
Police corruption and brutality! Police now operate in 'Asymmetrical Policing', no longer protecting the rights of the people but of corporate interests. They support schemes designed to raise revenue and profits. They engage in the racial profiling of minorities and activists in general, and interfere with the political rights of protestors and movements, by following a corrupt chain of command!
The T.P.P.A, or Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, that takes away people's rights and powers, by supporting a large variety of controversial topics, related to the aforementioned points, but also, the patenting of medicine and censorship of Internet. It is nothing more than a corporate bill of rights that allows international signatories to hold power over any country, and dictate industry markets according to the 1%
The Coalition's 'War on Terror', and the extended use of the word "Terrorism', in order to portray and discredit any individual or entity that dissents against government and corporate criminal actions, which are nothing short of terrorist actions themselves! The people have long demanded a real investigation and inquiry into the actions that have been used to justify invasions, wars, and the cultural profiling of dissenters as terrorists.
These are issues that one citizen cannot fight alone. These are issues that citizens of every country must battle together, as one unified voice. Anonymous, to save our eco system, Anonymous, to protect Human Rights, Anonymous, for the rule of law, Anonymous, for Unity, Equality, and Peace on Earth.
We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not Forgive,
We do not Forget,
Expect Us!
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Anonymous - Your Government Is Selling YOUR Child's Future
We would like to ask you, Are you happy with what you have allowed the United States to become? The entire country a war zone, People standing up for their rights and the city governments allowing the brutal beating and arresting the citizens across America. By allowing this to happen you are a disgrace to the presidency. Any past president would put their political careers aside and focus on the city streets of his own country. So far you have done nothing about the thousands of people arrested in the city streets for exorcising their First Amendment rights. Stop treating America like terrorists with the building of FEMA camps to house Americans that stand up against political control. Mr. President you had a dream of change when you were first elected but clearly you have sold out to the corporate injustices that every American involved in the Occupy movement are speaking out against.
You Mr. President are a FAILURE to AMERICA.
In fact you are building an ARMY, An ARMY of angry AMERICANS that will not allow the government to control every little aspect of their lives. It is only a matter of time before the people of America turn the tables and focus their revolution on True Freedom. And they will fight for it. By allowing the indefinite detention bill to pass you will turn EVERY citizen of America into a soldier, and the people of the United States will seek justice. America is not a war zone but you are going to allow it to become one if you do not address the issues at hand. This is a message that will not be unheard. Mr. President if you pass the indefinite detention bill you will be throwing the United States Constitution out the window, and by doing so will only result in the FAILURE of the United States. There are not enough people in the US armed Forces to stop every American citizen that will be closing in on the government buildings if you do not put the US Constitution FIRST!
We are moving everyday to make every American citizen ANONYMOUS. We Do Not Forgive We Do Not Forget - NSA, FBI, CIA, Government Expect Us.
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Monday, March 30, 2015
Anonymous - Do You See What I See?
The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Anonymous - The Rise Of The US Surveillance State
In his new book The Watchers: The Rise of the America's Surveillance State , Washington, D.C., reporter Shane Harris chronicles 25 years of the intelligence community's efforts to "connect the dots" on terrorist threats in the United States. Harris explains why we should have caught the Christmas Day bomber, how one promising electronic surveillance system was wiped out due to privacy concerns, and what it's like to be a spy in the age of Google. In his day job, Harris covers electronic surveillance, intelligence, and counterterrorism for National Journal.
The Watchers: The Rise of America's Surveillance State Shane Harris
Monday, April 21, 2014
Anonymous -- The real reason why the Malaysian Airline MH 370 disappeared
With the disappearance of those on Malaysian Airlines MH370 billionaire, Jacob Rothschild becomes the sole owner of an important semiconductor patent.
Coincidence? I think not! The mysteries surrounding Malaysian Airliner MH-370 continue to grow with each passing day and Mr. Rothschild is smack dab in the middle.
Illuminati member, Rothschild, is believed to have exploited the airliner to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip. The US technological company, Freescale Semiconductor, who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system's the day before the plane went missing.
The Semiconductor company develops microprocessors, sensors, and other technology including stand-alone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions.
But the questions that arise are why were there so many Freescale employees traveling together? What were their jobs? Their mission? And did they employees carry valuable cargo? With all the power our elite carry, why couldn't they track down the missing plane?
Furthermore it owns Freescale RF which is involved in making solutions for Aerospace and Defense including: Battlefield communications, Avionics, HF Radar -- Band L and S, Missile Guidance, Electronic Warfare, and Identification (IFF).
But here's where it gets even more interesting. The Freescale's shareholders include the Carlyle Group who's past advisors have included ex-US president George Bush Sr and former British Prime Minister John Major. Some of the companies previous clients include the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Binladin Group.
The company [Freescale] did not respond to questions from Express Online, including whether any of its missing employees had been working on the defense products.
It neither provided any responses to the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being widely published on the comments sections of newspaper websites and other internet forums.
The comment reads: "It reads: "Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China? If not, here are your missing pieces.
Four days after the flight MH370 disappear, semiconductor patent was approved by the U.S. patent office patent is divided in parts of 20% between five starters. One of the owners is the company itself, Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, Texas (USA), and the other four Chinese employees of the company: Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Cheng and Li Ying Zhijong, all the Suzhou City. And they all passengers of Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared on March 8, according Eternity."
It adds: "Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all four Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane."
Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. "However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved."
Although a Freescale patent exists under number US8650327, none of the names listed actually appear on the passenger manifest released by the Malaysian authorities.
If the patent holder dies, the other owners share equally in dividends from the deceased. If four of the five patentees die, then the patentee left alive gets 100% of the patent. That remaining patent holder is the company Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor? The answer is: Jacob Rothschild. British billionaire owns the company Blackstone, which in turn owns the company Freescale Semiconductors. Several speculations on the Internet now pay attention to this circumstance. The Rothschilds are a dynasty of financiers and international bankers of German-Jewish origin . The family is from the nineteenth century one of the most influential families of bankers and financiers of Europe."
To See Patent Upclose: http://truthnewsinternational.files.w...
Is this just another coincidence? I don't think so.
Rothschild is hiding evidence to gain the rights to this semiconductor. He wants power and he wants his money! It may have taken 239 deaths to do it, but to him, that's just part of population control. In the end, he gets him money, his fame, and his power; all while the world remains silent. Makes you sick doesn't it!
Time to expose this fraud for who he is!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
We Are All Anonymous , We Are Everywhere We Are Everyone
We are the broken and the poor, We are the ones that have had enough and will no longer take it anymore. We are your brothers.....Now we have Internet....
Greetings Citizens of the World.
We are Anonymous.
Many raise the question, what is Anonymous, How do I join, What can I do to help Anonymous, The answer to the question of what, or who Anonymous is, is no further than the reflection you see in the mirror. We are all Anonymous. As I type this message now I am Anonymous. I see all of you in the grocery store. I see you putting my mail in my mail box. I see you walking your dogs or feeding your children in the park. As well as what these eyes see, your eyes see me. We are everywhere and we are everyone. There is no escaping us. When there is a call to action for all Anonymous members, this call is to you. You do not sign up for Anonymous, You are not accepted in. You just are. If you want to help Anonymous, all you are doing is helping your self. So you want to be Anonymous, well because of the fact that you do, You already are. So you want to take part in an Anonymous action, well, Join a protest, learn to hack, share information about the corrupted government with your friends on social networks, at work, at school, or through text. What ever you can do to get the word out is doing your part as Anonymous. We are the broken and the poor, We are the ones that have had enough and will no longer take it anymore. We are your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your fathers, and your children. We seek to bring upon a better world for all mankind. A world of peace and trust within the world. We seek to stop the wars that are brought upon by our government, used only to profit for their own needs. You and I are just alike. We share the same tears and the same color of blood runs through our bodies. We are joined as one through our own Collective conscious. Now the government sees that. For years they have hidden the truth from us and treated us as if we are nothing but slaves to them. Now we have the internet and they can no longer lie to use about what other people in other countries are doing to us. We talk to one another on our own and get the real facts. And the fact is, the government is nothing more then an evil entity looking to control all of our every moves. They label us terrorist, but the question is, who do we terrorize. They fear us as they should of years ago. Have no fear my brothers and sisters. People should not fear their governments, governments should fear their people. Now is the time, It is now time to stand up and take action, It is time to see the facts.
We are Anonymous
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
World governments
You should of Expected us.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Anonymous Message - Humanity's Time Is Now
Humanity is still young, and our mistake are many. Nevertheless, we can learn from the past. It's evident, the walls between us aren't as tall as we once thought. Our ever persistent quest for knowledge is something that unites us all. We all wonder what the future might hold, what awaits us elsewhere in the universe? Perhaps we might never discover a means of fast interstellar travel by our standards of time. Perhaps this is the only solar system we'll ever truly know and call home.
One thing is certain however, this is where we make our stand as a species. For now at least, this is where we call home! Until we can discover a way to travel the stars and/or terraform other worlds, Earth is the only planet we know of capable of supporting human life. That fact serves as a reminder to us all, a realization that we are already unified through this planet we call home.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Bankers Are The Problem ~ Anonymous
A message from Anonymous concerning Occupy Wall Street and the bankers. Occupy idle minds fenced myopism and simplisitic set our souls in motion our communication we know we fit but we never seem to reach under unction made for unclear reasons live with each other have a dinner party , the bankers love:death, pain, and poverty they better watch out cause karma will bite them in the ass. What they give out is what they certainly will get. This life or the next. They are Demonic Trolls not even in control of their own life or destiny. They are weak, no heart. Your Soul is forever you can't die you will be reborn , Not even the top Banker Devils have came to that conclusion cause the Devil Controls them and clouds there judgement.
Blog Archive
“once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason
“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger
“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger
"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin
Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?
“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen Weiss
“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941
Taxing People is Punishing Success
There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki
The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid
Stefan Molyneux
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros
"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.
This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.
By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."
USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924
Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money
Taxation is legalized Theft
"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker
Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....
Bob Dylan
"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich
There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle
Political Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon
The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow
When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !
Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake
The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception UNKNOWN
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."
Albert Einstein
No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please
Freedom is not Free
Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition
Ron Paul
"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff
You can love your Country and not your Government
Jesse Ventura
" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck
"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones
"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "
Ronald Reagan
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato
The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo
"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN
"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN
"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN
"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."
Serial Killer Richard Ramirez
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
Albert Einstein
Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki
Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki
" Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson
“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki
"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way
"Aspire not to have More but to be More "
The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki
"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford
What You Own Owns You
If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki
"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell
Be The Change you want to see in The World
Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN