Sunday, June 13, 2021

👉Real Inflation Is Now In The Double Digits And Pain Is Coming

👉Real Inflation Is Now In The Double Digits And Pain Is Coming

Low wages and no middle class. Demand is falling. But Prices are rising. Prices were up 20% across the board from just a few months ago . Only one explanation for the paradox. The dollar is getting abandoned world wide after Trillions upon Trillions were printed. The Dollar decline is increasing day by day! It is literally collapsing. Hyperinflation is coming, and it is called DEFAULT. It all make sense, less is being produced, and there's more money. So less must be sold and prices must rise. From mad money printing, to the stock market going to Uranus, the pandemic and isolation, to supply lines being cut and what their algorithms said would be the end result? Inflation is not transitory as they claim. Prices might come down a bit, but not anywhere near pre-pandemic levels. Most everything is up 30% or more: food, energy, insurance, housing, etc. Not sustainable and quite simply a result of excess money printing and artificially low rates. If we don't crash, the only thing we have is high inflation and a large erosion of the middle class while the wealthy got much wealthier. Someone, somewhere is trying to rip people blind. The middle class won't last long now with that. Once inflation cycles start, they gain momentum on their own. And it's already set in pretty good just in the last couple of months. It is spreading to basically EVERYTHING over the next few months. For instance, lumber. Once people believe it's happening, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy with hoarding, panic-buying, etc. NOTHING can stop it at that point but one whopper of a recession. Inflation is roaring back to life at a 30 year vacation and most people today have either forgotten what it looks like or they just haven't seen it. Inflation! CPI up 5.0% over the last year! Not transitory. Over the last 12 months! Highest in 13 years! Core CPI up 3.8% over the last year! Not transitory. Over the last 12 months! Highest in 29 years! Month over month: CPI UP 0.6%. Multiply that by 12 and you get 7.2% inflation! Core CPI up 0.7%! X12 = 8.4%! And you have to pay it even if you earn less than 400,000 a year! Inflation is absolutely out of control. The pressure building on rates is going to blow the Fed’s lid off the pressure cooker eventually. Housing, the number one expense, is up about 50% in the last year or so based on pending offers I’m seeing now. It takes time for the data to flow through the system. Once it does, even the fed will have to address it with higher rates. $6/gallon gasoline and $10/lb ground beef coming soon. Enjoy the city bus and eating grasshoppers America. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. To the contrary, the Fed's habit of issuing currency without corresponding economic collateral, but only a Federal Government plaintive gaping mouth of debt demanding "Feed Me!" is the source of the problem. To reward baseless uneconomic demands is to punish self-sustaining economic activity by way of opportunity cost. And doing so replaces innovation and economic calculation with moral hazard, leading to future impairments in capital formation. And haven't we all seen it written in the world's largest letters these last 80 years? If you pay for baseless and uneconomic demands you get more of those...because that is what you are PAYING PEOPLE TO DO. If you want people to be innovative, productive, and efficient then you must pay more for those things than you pay for social connection via Ivy League Alma Matter, or bureaucratic office. The longer the Fed waits to hike, the worse its gonna get (and the Fed will never hike) They can't. Too much of the Federal Budget already is spent on interest payments. We never refinanced our debt into long term bonds as Trump suggested. Also, hiking would kill the stock rally and housing prices - the two things that keep the consumers that make up around 70% of the US economy feel wealthy enough to keep spending. I've seen studies claiming that 1% interest rate increase today would lead to a 14% decrease in housing prices. Imagine what 5% would do. Inflation keeping at higher rates, FED slowly going to pull out liquidity, markets near all time highs (with small upside towards end of year).. in past a drop of 10%-15% was common after a big run, in which inflation persisted on a high level. By year end higher, mid term there has to be a major correction (not bear market). A bear market can only happen if the FED wants it to happen (pull the plug). The Fed will not raise rates. They can't. The government rollover of $8-10 trillion PER YEAR of maturing debt must be funded at low rates or the whole thing comes to an end right quick. The Fed will accept high inflation because they know they need to inflate away the gigantic pile of debt they've allowed to accumulate. Interest that needs to be paid back on these created deposits is ever so conveniently left out of that equation. And that interest creates new debt as it comes due. Banksters thought they created the perpetual-motion money machine. Debt money creates more debt money by its very nature. Until the debts are not honored. Debt money deflation means the free ride is over for banksters. They will do everything in their power to prevent deflation. Right now, everywhere two or more banksters gather, they are trying to figure out how to print more borrowers. Some will embrace zero or negative lending rates just to keep the carousel spinning a bit longer in the hopes of getting out themselves before the crash. If any of those guys are watching this video, sign me up for a few billion, non-recourse, naturally. But let's spell out the nature of the free ride. Bankers make their cut on the default when real property is seized over fictitious obligations. It's a game of musical chairs, except somebody loses their collateral/livelihood when the music stops. It's not simply usury. It's usury with spiky glowing green-gold hair and serious social issues. The finance system of banking/commercial paper/debt and risk swapping has gotten so complex and intertwined that I cannot imagine anyone accurately knowing how it will react. The complexity and sheer size make me think it might be fragile, but it has so many people all trying to work their little portion of it;that I HOPE it might be a bit Hyakean, and all the leeches trying to suck more from their part keep the parts working, much like any adaptable system motivated by people. However, it has crapped out before, and some people stand to gain by it crapping out so they will/might be working for it to default. I really cannot tell what is inside of the constantly changing Black Box. Modern finance is dealing with literal make-believe money. GDP calculation is proof of this because debt contributes to GDP. And even worse is that economists are unable to distinguish between debt and equity as sources of financing when the layman can tell you straight away how they are different. The collapse of credit is the relevant indicator, not the issuance of script currency. Debt is issued out of thin air, so inflation occurs when a debt is created. Printing money to pay the debt, by definition, only occurs after the debt exists. Debt exists first, then money. That said, prices for some things might increase because supply collapses relative to demand (like beef and pork), but on the whole, the price of most things will collapse (like new cars, clothes at bankrupt retailers, etc.) Note that increasing prices for specific things is driven by particular issues, but the general price level is guided by monetary policy. Spending more on EVERYTHING is due to inflation. One of the main problems for the US Dollar that most seem to want to ignore is the fact that as a global reserve currency it is linked to global trade in US Dollar and when that diminishes enormous volumes of currency repatriate back into the US banking system. There is no way out of this dilemma now. The US has abused its privilege for so long that it has forgotten that it has actually been living off of a credit card supported by foreign labor and production. Now as a growing list of countries are abandoning the dollar since it has come to be used as an economic weapon by the US ;the result is what we are witnessing. The anchor that was designed into the Bretton Woods agreement - that the US Dollar would be connected to gold - was ignored by the US by Nixon when it became apparent to other countries that the US was abusing its currency position and cheated. That it took this long for the whole game to come to an end is impressive but now the bag of tricks is empty. When people badly need an inflation hedge, they will go back to Gold. There is no other choice. Real estate is great. But, property taxes kill that idea in America. You can pay up to 5% - 10% of value each year in property tax. Currently, that is offset by price appreciation. Once it is not, look for the market to be flooded with homes for sale. Gold is a manipulated market. Those prices are the result of interventionism, not a stable currency. The real remaining prop of the dollar is the fact that it is still the primary currency for oil purchases, forcing anyone who wants oil to buy dollars. That's why China, Russia, et al., are so eager to set up systems for settling petro transactions in their own currencies. QE-to-Infinity to cover the quadrillion dollars corruption of the bankster cartel began last year, the repos went to hundreds of billions within weeks, and this crisis psyop is cover for the bankruptcy, and greater depression. Those are FED asset transfer periods and not cycles. They will continue the process until all assets are theirs. The US is being colonized by a domestic enemy. The Fed(s) use supply disruptions to simulate demand destruction and thus create deflationary headroom for the money printing. Let’s list the ways to destroy demand: lockdowns, riots, Suez Canal blockages, Green New Deal emissions controls, hackers turning out the lights on pipelines, etc, etc. They can keep juking you with this ruse for a while yet. How will all the printing for helicopter money and whatnot interact with the limited supply of goods/services from the shutdowns? Hyperinflation will be End Times - the paper money that people worship will be exposed as the False God. The money printing doesn't just occur at the Fed level. It occurred when anyone rolled over their credit card debt into their mortgage. Notwithstanding, deflation is happening through massive demand destruction. But the demand was artificial, to begin with, due to Fed money printing and low-interest rates. Much better to have an orderly controlled process. Bankruptcy and debt restructuring will happen at all levels, government, corporate, and individual. Hyperinflation can take virtually your entire life's savings, without the government having to bother raising the official tax rate at all. The government will expect everyone to take a hit....except, of course, for the banks. They have the right to ruin you in their demands for their money. Weimar Germany here we come. In Weimar Germany, someone once left a wheel barrow, full of cash, outside a store. When he returned, the wheel barrow was gone, but the cash was on the sidewalk. Same thing here but with used-cars; people would rather put their money into any asset than hold the cash. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

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