Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Modern Consumer Based Society has Made us Slaves to Material Objects

Modern Consumer Based Society has Made us Slaves to Material Objects

A very interesting phrase that screams true reality is, "That's Just The Way It worked out." While we often think the world is directed by those given the task to make decisions and guide our direction, in truth much of our direction is made up by stumbling along accompanied by missteps and misunderstandings. In our individual lives, certain minor events can become watershed moments and the slightest variation in the outcome can have a massive impact on our futures. Events such as losing a job, sickness, a failed marriage, or being called upon to support a struggling family member can turn life upside down. These are just a few of the reasons so many people enter their "golden years" with little in the way of savings. This does not mean that they planned to do so only that along the way, something happened.

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