Thursday, June 24, 2021

👉Gold, Oil, and Bitcoin, What's Really Happening in the Stock Market?

👉Gold, Oil, and Bitcoin, What's Really Happening in the Stock Market?

Gold, Oil, and Bitcoin, What's Really Happening in the Stock Market? So gold drops but oil doesn't. Bitcoin cratering. The FED can only hold back the flood for so long. This is Japan 1989 all over again. The US Government is PUMPING the price of Oil artificially, Despite dramatically shrinking demand and exponentially rising supply. Oil price before the Pandemic was $35. Oil price with the Pandemic is $75. How is that possible? The US Government is fully controlling the price of oil and PUMPING the Oil prices to prevent the Economic growth of the EU, India, China and many other countries! Furthermore the US is PUMPING the Oil price BUBBLE to help out Russia and Iran ! No matter what fake news US media says, the current Iranian Government is fully controlled by the US! Creating phony enemies has always been the strategy of America! It is ALL About MANIPULATION... 99% MANIPULATION.Period, End of Story. The US Stocks are EMPTY BUBBLES.About a trillion per month from the fed just to keep the market from imploding totally. Soon that will be needed weekly. Then hourly. Two more years of zero interest rates. Total insanity. The FED are the drug dealers and the US stock market and economy are the heroine addicts. At some point someone needs to have the courage to stop them from destroying this country's future. Despite ABSURD Company Valuations, tanking corporate revenues, limited real resources and collapsing economy, the US Government continues to PRINT Trillions of dollars every single week to PUMP the Stock Prices artificially via infinite margin trading desks ,to giveaway trillions of dollars in the form of capital gains! Fed walking tight-line trying to drive down commodity prices, keep rates low. Trying Obama era plan of trying to drive US dollar up. Problems are US jobs go overseas and we import everything and pay with more debt. The Federal reserve is in control of America’s gold. A bigger den of thieves has never been born. The Fed has been distorting reality since 2008 by bailing out all companies, especially banks and hedge funds indirectly by buying toxic debt and allowing walking dead companies to borrow near infinite amounts of money at insanely low interest rates. It has cannibalized a century of future growth which will be paid for by our children with massive depression. While their actions have greatly enriched the top 5%, the common man has gotten crumbs falling off the table. They have been smart enough to create the giant silver & gold etfs GLD and SLV which greatly tempers demand for physical metal enabling them to crush gold and silver at will when they need to such as today. The popularity of crypto has also luckily for them reduced demand for gold & silver but this fad seems to be running out of steam. As the great warren buffet said, “when something you want gets cheaper, be HAPPY because you can get more of it for less. Today there is a near infinite amount of dollars whereas gold and silver are finite. No one knows exactly when, but owning some physical gold and silver or the funds PHYS PSLV which are audited are likely to pay off well in the next few years. Bull markets are made when everyone hates that market and certainly gold and silver are hated by most amazingly in this era of dollar debasement, overprinting and mismanagement. The shift of dollars to the middle class creates massive inflation & regardless of what banks tell you, gold does very well in a rising interest environment. In fact, the highest gold prices ever recorded in 1980 (approximatly 2900 in today's dollars) occurred when interest rates on cd’s were 18%. My advice is to get some real physical gold and silver into your portfolio now; because few watching this have any, and once everyone wants it there are trillions in paper to chase the price to the ionosphere ! The stock market isn't based on the financial economy. Crypto is baseless, the dollar is baseless. so all your money is just investing in baseless junk while you try to time the market by avoiding the fed pulling the plug END THE FED. Gold and Silver are manipulated by the banks. Buy physical or PSLV PHYS CEF. GLD is a derivative scam. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. Central banks turning to gold again, Bank of Thailand buys 43.5 tonnes in April. Got any yet ? Bet you don’t Everyone seems to care about their gold reserves except for the US. It's almost as if we have a president and fed trying to destroy us from within. Gold has been in a healthy consolidation for the last few weeks. Inflation is running hot, and the Fed wants it that way. Gold will be going a lot higher over the next year. What will happen to Inflation someone asked ? Hyper Inflation will occur as too much Money chases too few goods. It has NOT Happened for the past 12 years since the financial crisis because the FED had directed all the money into the stock and bond and indirectly real estate markets inflating those assets, primarily for the top 5% wage earners ,causing massive income inequality while the lower class inflated their DEBT. Now the Fed and treasury is directing money to the middle and lower classes due to the pandemic to make sure that spending does not collapse. They are NOT doing so to HELP the Lower or Middle Class ! This is ONLY being done so that the Lower and middle class can continue to PAY the BANKS (which the FED LOVES) for LOANS, MORTGAGES, and CREDIT CARD debt as well as protecting the Super Inflated Stock markets by providing money for iPhones, Nike Sneakers, and Mcdonalds ! The economic principles are clear that EVERYONE can't be RICH but the Fed and treasury has been printing money and expanding Credit and Debt for many years, and now this money is QUICKLY coming down to the common man, and this is going to cause the prices of everything to SKYROCKET very soon. The Fed knows this is going to cause massive inflation and would normally force them to raise interest rates and to tighten credit (which would crash the markets), This is why LAST WEEK the FED even says it will allow INFLATION to run much higher for many years !) This is being done so that the massive debtor companies individuals and governments can make their minimum payments without high interest costs which would normally bankrupt them. Make no mistake, inflation is already here in food and soon will be seen in products you buy made in China and US etc... This is because the flood of new money, Trillions of it in the hands of the common man who will spend it DILUTES the dollars and makes them worth less... It's coming thats why Gold is rising steadily now. GOLD does not "make" money per se over time but it MAINTAINS Wealth as currencies DEPRECIATE. I bet 99% of the people who watch this do not own ANY gold outside of Jewelry and rightly so until now ;because the stock market was rising faster than gold for 12 year. But that is almost if not already over now . Even with all this printing, corporate revenues and earnings are going to decline big (for most companies) after stimulus is cut off and make the stock market ridiculously expensive. Regarding gold, the people in VENEZUELA, ARGENTINA, GREECE, ZIMBABWE etc all of these preserved their wealth with gold as their countries mismanaged and debased their currencies (just like the FED and Treasury are doing in the US dollar today), and this is why GOLD Is going to MAINTAIN your wealth and those that stay in dollars will lose over time. And as I said, the fact no one is in Gold hardly at all is how bull markets are made.Today few are invested in Gold and it will surely rise much more than many believe because it's FINITE in quantity and when everyone wants it to protect their wealth, it will rise even more. Gold is the ONLY REAL MONEY produced by the sweat of men and has NO COUNTERPARTY RISK because its VALUE IS SELF CONTAINED. THE FED has tried to STOP COUNTERPARTY RISK by BUYING the other side of the trade on stocks bonds etc... But soon they will not politically be able to do so (and they can't buy everything without bankrupting the country.) Its funny how most people think the US is CAPITALIST when the FED BUYS ALL failed debt and props markets, and as people see what is going on, they will force this WEALTH TRANSFER from the PEOPLE who WORK and MAKE THINGS to the RICH who do nothing but watch their financial assets inflate, to STOP and that is when the markets will CRASH and GOLD WILL EXPLODE. Buy Gold EAGLES or in trading accounts PHYS who has audited gold, stored at the ROYAL CANADIAN MINT in CANADA and will deliver it to you if you have enough shares. Or for additional Leverage, Gold and Silver miners (GDX Gold Miners Large ETF) or (GDXJ Gold Miners Junior ETF). DO NOT BUY BANK OWNED GLD WHO is NOT AUDITED and Servers to TEMPER demand for GOLD by taking in money and possibly not buying the physical GOLD , and will eventually cause losses for Investors . Good Luck To All !!!! We are going to need it soon as the FED totally destroys this country to enrich and protect Wall st banks and the wealthy using Taxpayer dollars ! Of course Powell isn’t worried about inflation. First he can afford it and is protected. Second, he could not say he was, since then he would have to raise the rates. Can’t do that; the US debt is so large that we can’t pay the interest. So printing forever and chips fall where they fall. No doubt inflation will hurt those a lower wage levels! The FED was on holiday last Friday and the Market sank 535 points. Monday the FED was back at work and the pre-Market dive of -200 was erased and magically the Bid took the DOW quickly to +300 and then +600. Blackrock is a special purpose vehicle used by the fed to purchase equities.So when it's time for them to sell watch out, because you won't even have a chance. Margin calls through the roof and your stop loss traded at the bottom. So the FED basically said they are going to keep printing money and their balance sheet will head to $10 TRILLION by the end of the year. TOTAL INSANITY! They are scared to death and know they have created a crash scenario that will be historic. Get prepared now. Japan 1989 only much worse. The FED is now part of the criminal Deep State. Its needs to be disbanded and Gold and Silver declared the only valid money. Powell has blown his bubble to record levels. Buy physical Silver and Gold to preserve wealth as the criminal FED destroys your purchasing power. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

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