Monday, June 21, 2021

đŸ‘‰Dollar to Collapse by The End of 2021 Warns Stephen Roach -- Inflation is another Tax on The Middle Class

đŸ‘‰Dollar to Collapse by The End of 2021 Warns Stephen Roach -- Inflation is another Tax on The Middle Class

Dollar to Collapse by The End of 2021 Warns Stephen Roach -- Inflation is another Tax on The Middle Class RECESSION, high interest rate, the 30% expansion of the money supply,and more Covid variants will TANK the Economy soon. The unemployment rate is still double what it was before the government started paying people more money to stay at home than to go to work. The US dollar could collapse by the end of 2021 and the economy can expect a more than 50% chance of a double-dip recession, the economist Stephen Roach told CNBC on Wednesday. The US has seen economic output rise briefly and then fall in eight of the past 11 business-cycle recoveries, Roach said. Grim second-quarter data cannot be dismissed he said, pointing out that the current-account deficit in the United States, which is the broadest measure of our international imbalance with the rest of the world suffered a record deterioration. A lot of amateur traders will be wiped out of the stock market once the FED ends the pump game and rates rise. They will have no clue how to trade in a real market, cause they have never seen it before. One that requires actual technical skills and research every morning before trading. If nothing else, what's going to cause this market to drop precipitously is buyer's exhaustion. Everyone that is able to buy into the stock market has basically bought into it. No stimulus checks going out, back to work as usual, and the rest will result in buyer's exhaustion. That was essentially what pricked the tech bubble in March of 2000. I see the same thing happening here. It's running on fumes, this equities market. Valuations make zero sense. It's unhealthy for the market to just keep going up, with nothing tied to the fundamentals. With interest rates at 0 and with the money the fed has been pumping into the market If this was to drop 40 to 60% rather then a normal 10% correction, And real estate will follow. Your going to have a lot more to worry about then your retirement investments. The future security and freedoms we all enjoy could be at stake. A record $2 trillion surge in cash has hit the deposit accounts of US banks since the coronavirus first struck the US in January, according to FDIC data. The wall of money flowing into banks has no precedent in history: in April alone deposits grew by $865 billion, more than the previous record for an entire year. The only wealth transfer I see is from the Federal Reserve QE directly to their billionaire now trillionaire buddies. The rest of us - cash pays nothing, gold is nosediving, bonds pay nothing, stocks are a risk-saturated ticking time Ponzi, and inflation is on the run. Wages don't keep up with inflation, especially in the hourly and low-skill jobs. This is how the inexorable laws of economics fight back against such nonsense as $15/hr minimum wage. The $15 is sticky downward and will not move, so inflation moves the value of that $15 back to where it was. For the last 50 years, salaries, income, everything, for the 90% of us have not gone up. Transfer of wealth is a con dream designed to keep you quiet. And, it has, while your pocket has been picked, over and over, and over again.They the 10% love it. And no one is luckier than that guy named Uncle Sam that borrowed $27 trillion. It's why governments are deathly afraid of deflation and why inflation will never, and can never go away.Thanks to the FED. Inflation steals from the poor and middle class, it's another tax. The Fed has been praying for inflation for the last 10 years in order to justify raising rates back to normal. Today's inflation is the inevitable result of the long term availability of money under near-zero interest rates, and neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are to blame, in fact there is no blame to assert. Is there anyone who didn't see this coming? It's been talked about for literally a decade, the only surprise is how long it took to arrive. The Fed needs inflation albeit tame, worse than anyone, and to say the mom&pop borrowers are winning. Well, yes, if you have great income, you can take out bigger loans, inflation rewards larger borrowers, while the poor take the biggest hit, but who cares, they can't afford to buy anything, let them eat cake. That is one of the goals of trying to force inflation, to erode the value of debt. Borrowing enough money to buy two chickens and then only paying back enough money to buy one chicken is really nothing more than theft. It is immoral and also criminal if you look at the right way. The fact that we have policy makers who actually have this as an objective as a way get out from under all this debt (and they do), just shows how disgusting these people are. And even if the debt does not get paid off, the perception is that the value of the debt will go down relative to incomes and asset prices. If we were to magically inflate everything 10 fold (asset prices, incomes, prices of of all goods and services), then the value of the debt relative to those would drop by a factor of ten. Our debt to GDP would drop from 140% to 14%. The problem is, we are using debt to create the inflation, and it takes $2 of debt to create $1 of inflation - so it is not going to work. You see it, I see it, but Fed's economists don't have fully functioning brains. Also, one the biggest problems with their theory, is that they can create inflation in goods, services, and assets, but not in wages (at least so far). It is the inflation in wages that would allow consumers to pay down fixed interest debt with money that is less valuable than what was borrowed. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell.Thank You. In pushing the everything is coming up roses narrative; literally, everyone in Main Stream Media is pretending as though there are not millions of small business that closed, people living for free who cannot be evicted and who will be sued for back rent they can't pay and likely put into bankruptcy, people only surviving because of government handouts that will not last forever, etc. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train, and the financial media talking heads are urging everyone to run towards it. Don't forget that financial normalcy will happen in this New Order ONLY if you show your Vaccine passport. The government has always hated, or at best deeply mistrusted, small businesses. Too expensive to tax, for one thing. It's much easier to tax one $1 billion company than it is to tax a thousand $1 million small businesses. Second, small business can never crank out the volume of destructive machinery that the State requires to sustain itself. Ma and Pa Shipbuilding ain't gonna build that aircraft carrier, fellas. Third, small business provides a more-or-less egalitarian, meritocratic process by which nearly anyone can be successful and build wealth without any help from the government. This is obviously unacceptable. All wealth and rewards must be seen to come from the State. Fourth, it is too difficult and possibly impossible to get millions of small businesses to go along with government edicts on racial / gender / etc. hiring practices. Too many small businessmen (myself included) will just ignore all that nonsense and hire the best person for the job, if we hire anyone at all. And fifth, most small businesses are family-run operations. Anything that builds loyalty to the family instead of the State is to be discouraged. In short, the government could not care less if every single small business in America goes under. It would quite suit the obvious agenda. 85% of the almost approaching $10T in the pandemic treatment recovery rebuild' has gone to the elites; while the masses literally have to beg for token UBI every six months to survive and being forced to give up all freedom, human rights and economic wealth. All so Jeff Bezos can make Amazon even bigger at the expense of every mom&pop store. This doesn't include the trillions in QEinfinity that has never ended. Does anyone really think this is NOT all just a grand plan for the elites to destroy the middle class and usher in their New Feudal World Order! Stimulus checks should have only gone to the people who were told they weren't allowed to go to work. I wanted to work and make my money, but my company was told it wasn't essential and had to shut down. Why should the teachers, who still got 100% of their pay to not work, get stimulus? Why should the welfare class get stimulus checks, when they didn't lose any of their benefits? In the crap state of Masshole, everything is dead. No small business or restaurant is making money, they are just existing. Shut down and never coming back. Small business is dead. Only a crazy person would consider leasing a building at starting a restaurant at this point. Politicians don't know about the realities of owning a small business. They think small businesses sit on a pile of money and can deduct any expense to always make money. And with prices rising, small businesses are even more screwed as people try to save money. The world will never recover from this pandemic. The economic effects alone killed the world that we knew in March 2020. We have had a 12-year bull market. Forget the March 2020 crash. That was no crash; the Fed propped it right back up artificially. Now is the time for a reality check. It's been long overdue. We can't have a stock market that doesn't operate on fundamentals. There are hot growth stocks out there that are priced 100 times sales and 500 times book value and are losing money left and right. How can that be reasonable and sustainable? It can't. Value never died. It was just the smart nerdy kid that everyone ignored for 12 years while everyone else was partying and drinking until the morning. Well, that will all change very soon. Sit back and watch. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels; I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

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