Friday, June 4, 2021

đŸ‘‰Dollar has about 3 Years of Life Left -- The US Economy STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE GRAND CANYON !

đŸ‘‰Dollar has about 3 Years of Life Left -- The US Economy STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE GRAND CANYON !

America’s Economic Depression Is Accelerating - Dark Days are Ahead . Dollar has about 3 Years of Life Left -- The US Economy STANDING ON THE EDGE OF THE GRAND CANYON - COLLAPSE IS COMING NOW! Another day of market chaos brought to you by the DNC and their failed policies.This market is a Las Vegas casino! In the end all bubbles crash and burn, and usually lose 90% of their value. Stocks at astronomical values that have no sales or have small sales and lose money will all crash to the ground. Bitcoin is just trash too, and in the end all of this trash will lose 90% of it's value. Just hyped up trash. All the fools holding on will lose everything. Enjoy if you believe in this fake stuff!! You are just being foolish and being CONNED. In the end you will find out how FOOLISH you've been. The entire house of cards that defines the U.S. economy rests on the foundation of the dollar's reserve currency status. Lose that, and the economy topples. In the face of record-high employment years after the end of the great recession, the Fed's worship of Wall Street kept them engaging in massive borrowing and kept the system awash in artificially cheap money. Meanwhile, Mom and Pop retiree ate their seed corn because they could not earn interest on their money, as zombie companies were propped up. Now the Fed has no choice but to keep rates low but has no ammo to make a meaningful rate cut that would help us weather this storm. The Fed's action has destroyed price discovery, creative destruction, and free markets in general. With revenues massively down and stratospheric private and the public debt, we will have to raise taxes at the worst possible time. Oh well, at least we had that tax cut for the ridiculously rich, which did not trickle-down. Extreme government debt is why the Fed, even before the pandemic, has worked hard to keep interest rates low, thus hurting savers who don't want to be in the stock market. If interest rates were back to historically normal 4-5% levels, that would add roughly one trillion dollars more in government spending and borrowing every year. The government would have trouble due to increased risk of default, paying back its loans, and/or getting its bonds sold, further raising the interest rates and debt needed to attract Treasury bond buyers. That's how governments and economies eventually collapse, ruining everyone's finances and destroying millions of jobs. Spending has to decrease substantially to prevent this future outcome. Start by eliminating all 2,300 Federal subsidies, deliberately hidden in many Federal departmental budgets and not detailed in its own individual departmental budget as it should be, so that you and I cannot see this fiasco of unnecessary government spending which is estimated to be about a trillion dollars a year. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. The current inflation in the US is between 8 and 12% per year, according to John Williams. This means that about 50% of your savings, pensions, and income have been stolen over the past five years and transferred to a Ruling Cabal of thieves, crooks, and degenerates of this world. Everything is rigged, and the western world is now built on endemic lies as far as the eye can see. Truth and morality have been purged from America by the vilest and evil people on earth. The fake government statistics and the high stock market prices convince the sheeple that everything is OK. Even the consumer inflation data is bollocks. They consider useless discretionary crap, like biotech and tobacco. I don't buy biotech or tobacco. I buy food and pay for a residence. You know the things that are increasing much faster than the official rate of inflation. That should be the only thing in the core CPI; food, and houses. Inflation is everywhere if you just bother to look. My health care is up 9% this year alone! It is eating away at my take-home pay and making me and my family poorer. Grocery prices are also rising each year. And my state and local taxes keep going up. On and on, I could go. If they're trying to hide it, they aren't doing a very good job at the grocery stores and gas stations. By the way, there are only 30 corporations stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and they ain't very industrial anymore. They can never significantly raise rates ever again while we're carrying this level of debt. Anything resembling 4% to 5% is going to cripple us (worse than we're already crippled ). We are painted into a corner now. A huge national debt always results in higher prices for everything. Neither party had any type of plan to pay down much less off the debt. History shows that governments have collapsed under the weight of runaway inflation. We can't even afford another war to pull us out of this mess. Serious riots will make the current racial riots look like tea parties. People think the recent riots were bad. Wait till the government checks don't clear or they buy 50% of what they used to. The vast majority of US dollars are held by American Private Banks and the Federal Reserve. The Collapse of the dollar without any successful successor will equal a crisis that may be even greater of 1929...maybe even with one. That crisis is already in the works, and there is coming Hyper-inflation ultimately. Can't continue to just print dollars out of thin air with zero to back it. The existing inventory and underground reserves of Gold will be $100k or more an oz. in order to cover all the outstanding currency. Countries like China and India with huge stockpiles will ripe windfall benefits and become the world's richest economies, while the U.S. will suffer hyperinflation. The debt service that will be likely over 800 billion next year is money that is frankly pissed away, bringing no services to the American people for that EXTREMELY large sum of money. If the rest of the world sees us as a bad risk, the price we will pay will be catastrophic. Deficits do matter big time. Who will fund the saving deficit of a nation that has finally lost its exorbitant privilege?" The Fed will just print money to monetize the debt, right? Everyone in America now believes that the Fed will fix all problems by printing money. It has worked since 2008, so why not? Should foreigners no longer want to buy US Treasuries, interest rates would be driven up to entice them to fund our debts. But that will cause the economy to collapse. Lacking in domestic saving, and wanting to invest and grow, the U.S. has taken great advantage of the dollar’s role as the world’s primary reserve currency and drawn heavily on surplus savings from abroad to square the circle. If the return on investment for Treasury securities continues to be so pitiful that no one will buy them, the whole scheme comes tumbling down. The dollar has lost all credibility in the context of a reserve currency evidenced by a whole host of factors. Not the least being that the US tries to bully the rest of the world. The US is totally bankrupt, and the world knows it. We have abused it too much. The countries are feeling the angst of placing their confidence in the dollar. If the dollar is a so-called world currency, it has to be in the interest of the world. Lately, it seems that perspective has been lost and it has been weaponized to serve American foreign policy. The world does not need the dollar. Every country would love to get rid of the PetroDollar, which would, in itself, increase the value of their own currencies. What currency is going to fill the void? China has been working toward its yuan, replacing the dollar on the world stage. If the opportunity arises, they will pounce. The IMF already launched their replacement vehicle in July 2018, which aims at replacing the US dollar for those countries that want to do trade using a common currency other than the greenback. IMF's Distributed Ledger Technology has been in place for three years now. This replaces the US Dollar for trade between nations. It's already a done deal for the dollar as the reserve currency. China's BRICS Swift move to remove the petrodollar as the worlds' currency, their expanding economic growth vs. the U.S. dollar's GNP to debt ratio of 107% when over 77% signals fiat money collapse and their expanding global military presence threaten the 1% elite's world dominance (power and monetary control). The Dollar will eventually collapse. Don’t forget inflation, with trillions of dollars being injected into the economy and negative interest rates on the horizon, what does that mean for stashing cash or equities? A current American strategy in Foreign policy has been to threaten banks facilitating trade with countries like Iran and Venezuela. This has been noted by the rest of the world and alternatives to SWIFT, and the US Dollar are being implemented. The dramas with Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela relate to the sale of Oil for something other than the Petro-Dollar. The US Dollar is vulnerable to the development of replacement energy sources. The use of the Dollar as a geopolitical weapon has led to the situation where it is being replaced in trade deals. At some point, a lot of Dollar-denominated financial paper will end up back in the US prior to a reset. Current trends show that both China and Russia have been divesting US paper. The dollar has about three years of life left before there will be a fatal crash. The decline of the dollar’s purchasing power has a 95% correlation to the federal deficit, which is exponentially climbing. At the present time, the economy was stunned by the shutdown, but soon more dollars will be pursuing fewer goods and services. Inflation will begin to rise, and at some point, the global credit markets will collapse, at least with respect to the dollar. I don't know about you, but the price of some foods has already doubled. My guess is the Dollar has less than three years before it is replaced. It's called a currency reset, and we're having one in the next few years. This will finally solve our toilet paper shortage! Got gold, silver, cows, bullets, land—anything but fiat. There should be an international currency, hopefully partially backed by gold. This will prevent endless quantitative easing, and governments will no longer just be printing monopoly money without limits, which has resulted in ZERO and even NEGATIVE interest rates. Produced in FINITE quantities by the sweat of men, Gold and Silver stand as sentinels to protect the wealth of astute investors in times of currency mismanagement and debasement that is occurring today. Yet only about 1% of the population owns any (outside of jewelry) Ironically due to brainwashing by financial institutions (and those with a vested interest in keeping your wealth in the bubble stock, bond and real estate markets). Buy US Silver Eagles and Gold Eagles all you can, now that their prices are still very low (due to commercial bank shorting), and you will not regret it. Soon silver and gold prices will really explode as all of the paper money being generated looks for a safe undervalued place to invest in. Most won't listen to what I am saying, but you will remember I told you this, and it is backed by cold hard facts. “Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions which would place our currency and credit system in private hands.” – Theodore Roosevelt. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels; I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

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