Sunday, May 16, 2021

👉How to Beat The Fed in Its Game of High Market Volatility and Inflation

👉How to Beat The Fed in Its Game of High Market Volatility and Inflation By every measure, inflation is rising because of soaring demand, government stimulus, supply shortages. Earlier this week the government reported that consumer inflation climbed to the highest level in 13 years. Wholesale prices are also on the up and up. The US Stock market behaves like a hot air balloon. It rises miraculously; ignores all adverse economic forces, such as inflation, high unemployment, material shortages, etc... This is still truly one of the most disconnected markets in history. High volatility is generally not a good sign. There need not be a catalyst for a breakout in either direction. It’s all risk aversion (fear) vs risk tolerance (greed). High volatility signals a breakdown in uniformity. This volatility is a hedge fund game. They want a second big dip. The market is controlled by its software. Inflation fear, chip shortage are fabricated reasons. If there is inflation, the value of companies is higher. Not lower. Inflation if it squeezes profit margins due to input costs or takes away future demand, that is bad. Otherwise Venezuela would be best place to live! Study what happened in the 1970s, the inflation decade. Stocks didn't do well. There is more to the effects of inflation on the stock market than the value of stocks simply being inflated. When inflation picks up, investors anticipate rate hikes in an environment where ~0% rates have helped carry the market since 2008. When the value of cash goes down, you think that companies in the stock market are going to do very well when their customers can't afford as many goods? Commodity stocks, however, are the safe havens for inflation because they represent intrinsic value in an environment where government-backed fiat money becomes worth less. Does anyone else get the feeling that we are in 1937 or early 1938? There are now too many uninformed people risking their all in the stock market without true knowledge of the risks. There are too many over-hyped companies that are bound to crash sooner or later and foreign pressure may speed that up. For example, while I am not a Musk-hater, what is going to happen to his companies in China was easily predictable to anyone who has seen what the CCP does to foreign companies there. The other aspect is how many over-valued US and multi-national brands are coming under increasing competitive pressure from CCP-subsidized companies. Notice how the brands that used to sell us many products are slowly being replaced by Chinese brands like TLC? Lenovo, for example, undersells other computer makers. Of course, all mainland-Chinese companies will drive all American and European technology companies out of business if allowed: how can a private American company compete against a Chinese company that gets ultra-low interest rate loans, government guarantees of its existence (because the CCP will step in to save it if it has penetrated a foreign market), quasi-slave labor from workers with few rights or benefits, utter disregard for polluting the environment or for safety of its workers or materials producers or the neighbors to its factories/raw-materials producers, etc. If it were not for the fact that I do not trust anything built by the CCP gang, I might be running to buy those subsidized products myself. However, I would not be surprised if those computers, etc., start doing funny things (e.g., have built-in, security vulnerabilities or even sabotage) if the CCP ever needed to send a message to the USA. Notice how certain products from China now require that you give your product WIFI access and create and log in to an account in China to “activate” them, which account then can download firmware or software updates regardless of your wishes? Where did they get the idea that Tesla cars can spy on their military bases if they are not using some of their products for the same objectifs ! Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to hit the like button, hit the subscribe button, and don't forget to also hit the notification bell. Thank You. QE-to-Infinity to cover the quadrillion dollars corruption of the bankster cartel began last year, the repos went to hundreds of billions within weeks, and this pandemic was the cover for the bankruptcy, and greater depression. Those are FED asset transfer periods and not cycles. They will continue the process until all assets are theirs. The U.S. is being colonized by a domestic enemy. But let's spell out the nature of the free ride. Bankers make their cut on the default when real property is seized over fictitious obligations. It's a game of musical chairs, except somebody loses their collateral/livelihood when the music stops. It's not simply usury. It's usury with spiky glowing green-gold hair and serious social issues. The finance system of banking/commercial paper/debt and risk swapping has gotten so complex and intertwined that I cannot imagine anyone accurately knowing how it will react. The complexity and sheer size make me think it might be fragile, but it has so many people all trying to work their little portion of it-- that I HOPE, it might be a bit Hyakean, and all the leeches trying to suck more from their part keep the parts working, much like any adaptable system motivated by people. However, it has crapped out before, and some people stand to gain by it crapping out so they will/might be working for it to default. I really cannot tell what is inside of the constantly changing Black Box. Modern finance is dealing with literal make-believe money. GDP calculation is proof of this because debt contributes to GDP. And even worse is that economists are unable to distinguish between debt and equity as sources of financing when the layman can tell you straight away how they are different. The collapse of credit is the relevant indicator, not the issuance of script currency. Debt is issued out of thin air, so inflation occurs when a debt is created. Printing money to pay the debt, by definition, only occurs after the debt exists. Debt exists first, then money, which is why printing money is deflationary. That said, prices for some things might increase because supply collapses relative to demand (like beef and pork), but on the whole, the price of most things will collapse (like new cars, clothes at bankrupt retailers, etc.) Note that increasing prices for specific things is driven by particular issues, but the general price level is guided by monetary policy. Spending more on EVERYTHING is due to inflation. That was the planning part of the pandemic. Reflate the Ponzi scheme. Bankrupt deplorable peasants. This goes deep. Question EVERYTHING. they will Never let a crisis go to waste." If one does not exist, they create one. They are resetting the system, but there will be no arrests. The Power That Be know the system is no longer sustainable, so they are either using the pandemic as a cover, or the pandemic panic was created to give cover. Create the crisis, and the sheeple will beg them to fix it. They fix it, alright! This is not just a pandemic - it's a reset. When you realize this, then the pieces will come together, especially when you see that your very healthy friends and family will be alive and well in a year, although possibly struggling economically. The reason for the fake hysteria by governments is to move us to a cashless society and into digital money! And as an excuse to roll out their surveillance grid. The bankrupting of America was planned for over a century ago, and nothing that we can do will stop it. The bottom line is that they must bankrupt the country and the three tiers of the middle class, in order to bring about their new economic world order. All is going as planned. The quickest way to kill the U.S. and transform it into a big piece of the New World Order Scientific Technocracy is to kill the Economy - make people poor: no more disposable income; no more well-paying jobs, no more credit; no more tangible assets; no more goodies that make life enjoyable. These Politicians, Corporate Chieftains, Bureaucratic Managers, etc. know what they are doing; they're bought and paid for by the Ruling Cabal to engineer the take-over of the US. Poor, Hungry, Homeless, Isolated, Simple-Minded People make good targets for the Social Engineers and Scientific Elite. They've been working on creating targets, and now they are shooting the targets with vaccines to 'keep you safe.' The only thing you need to be kept safe from is them. So this begs the question, how does the average guy prepare for such a situation? How can one best weather the coming storm? This is what I have done: First: Get out of debt (including paying off your house) so you can’t be manipulated. Get out of debt. Second: Accumulate capital in forms that cannot be confiscated or manipulated: land and skills. Own real property, not in a city. Have skills to build businesses that don't require massive capital and can be cash flowed and operate without debt, even if you have to stay small. Employees add a lot of overhead costs. Get married, have children, homeschool them. Train your sons to go toward trades or college with actual skills and job prospects. Train your daughters to be excellent homemakers and home economists, and help marry them off early. Don't gamble in the stock market. Read more books. Own good tools and know-how to use them. Live within your means. Make that a longterm life philosophy instead of looking for shortcuts and secret edges to exploit. Money can be printed. Wealth cannot. Wealth would be whatever people perceive as having intrinsic value. Even gold up until the electronics age was only a perceived value for the most part. If it weren't for its use in electronics, I doubt it's value would be as high as it is currently. I'm very long in the tooth gold bug, but sound money does offer a way out after the debts are canceled by executive order. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my backup channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends! The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Henry Kissinger

once a standing army is established, in any country, the people lose their liberty.”
George Mason

“Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger

“If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised.”
Henry Kissinger

"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" Joseph Stalin

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
Joseph Stalin

Governments keep a lot of secrets from their people . . .
Why aren't the people in return allowed to keep secrets
from the government?


“Some call it Communism, I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
Jewish Voice, July - August 1941

Taxing People is Punishing Success

There's the rich, the poor, and the tax payers...also known as the middle class. Robert Kiyosaki

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid

Stefan Molyneux

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” Major L L B Angus

The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild Bros

"Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers.

This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world.

By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished."

USA Banker's Magazine, August 25 1924

Cutting Tax Rates stimulates Economic Growth creates more Profit , more Jobs and therefore The Treasury ends up with more Tax Money

Taxation is legalized Theft

"The Objective of the Bank is not the control of a conflict , it's the control of the debt that a conflict produces . The real value of a conflict , the true value is in the debt that it creates . You control the debt , you control everything . this is THE VERY ESSENCE OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY , to make us all , whether we be nations or individuals , SLAVES TO DEBT " An UNKNOWN Banker

Patriotism is the last refuge... to which the scoundrel clings .... Steal a little and they throw you in jail ..steal a lot and they make you king ....

Bob Dylan

"Corporations are stealing billions in tax breaks, while the confused, screwed citizenry turn on each other. International corporations have no national allegiance, they care only for profit." Robert Reich

There is NO political answer to a spiritual problem!
Steve Quayle

litical Correctness is a Political Stand Point that does not allow Political Opposition , This is actually The Definition of Dictatorship
Gilad Atzmon

The modern definition of racist is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal
Peter Brimelow

When People lose everything and have nothing left to lose , They Lose It !


Your Greatest Teacher is Your Last Mistake

The one who Controls the Education System , Controls Perception

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

Albert Einstein

In The Left Nothing is Right & in The Right nothing is Left

No man escapes when freedom fails; The best men rot in filthy jails. And those that cried 'Appease! Appease!' Are hanged by those they tried to please

Freedom is not Free

Don't Steal The Government Hates The Competition

Ron Paul

"Buy The Rumor , Sell The Fact " Peter Schiff

You can love your Country and not your Government

Jesse Ventura

" The Government Works for ME , I do not answer to them They Answer to ME "
Glenn Beck

"Tyranny will Come to Your Door in a Uniform "
Alex Jones

"The Government is not The Solution to our Problems , The Government is The Problem "

Ronald Reagan

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

The world is a tragedy to those that feel, and a comedy to those that think...Beppe Grillo

"The people should not fear the government for it is the government who should fear the people" UNKNOWN

"If You are looking for solutions to the world's problems , look in the Mirror , You Are The Solution , You have the power as a human being on this planet " UNKNOWN

"They don't control us , We empower them " UNKNOWN

"Serial Killers do on a Small Scale What Governments do on a large one..."

Serial Killer Richard Ramirez

There is a Class War going on in America, & unfortunately, my class is winning." Warren Buffet

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson

"College is a waste of Money"
Albert Einstein

Schools manufacture people who think that they're smart but they're not.
Robert Kiyosaki

Education is what you learn after you leave School
Robert Kiyosaki

" ‏Schools were designed to create employees for the big corporations."
Robert Kiyosaki

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so" Thomas Jefferson

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
Thomas Jefferson

“True education makes you feel stupid. It makes you realize you have so much more to learn.” Robert Kiyosaki

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

"Aspire not to have More but to be More "

The losers in life think they have all the answers. They can’t learn because they’re too busy telling everyone what they know.
Robert T. Kiyosaki ‏

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. -This time more intelligently." Henry Ford

What You Own Owns You

If you expect the government to solve your problems, you have a problem. Robert Kiyosaki

"Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security." Benjamin Franklin

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Always trust someone who is seeking the truth , never trust someone who found it" Jordan Maxwell

Be The Change you want to see in The World

Failure inspires winners but defeats losers
Robert Kiyosaki ‏

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” A Chinese Proverb

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me." UNKNOWN