Saturday, May 15, 2021
đŸ‘‰Consumer Prices, Unemployment, and Taxes all Going UP , The Carter Years All over Again
đŸ‘‰Consumer Prices, Unemployment, and Taxes all Going UP , The Carter Years All over Again
First print up tons of new money and hand it to the rich for a decade so they can buy all assets up. Then, let inflation rip to inflate the value of the assets. Crash the economy to force the weak hands to dump assets for the rich to buy. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Now our national debt is rapidly speeding toward the 30 trillion dollar mark, and the government would borrow and spend an additional 10 trillion dollars.
$30 trillion debt rising at a 3 trillion a year. The banks failing with trillions in derivatives going down and taking the $1.5 quadrillion in global derivatives with them. The last remaining prop of the dollar gets taken out, the petro dollar.Dollar decline increasing day by day!
How many trillions did Uncle Sammy just borrow into existence? How many more trillion will he borrow into existence this fiscal year? The government is the borrower of last resort, and the central bank will lend to infinity, and beyond!
Tons more debt, two months of economic paralysis, and it's happening worldwide!
This isn't the cause of the world's debt problems, but it might be the excuse needed for the actual cure.
Namely, repudiation of all debt incurred, the exclusion of the guilty financiers (which is most of them), and an economic shock therapy all across the board.
A society like that is going to have no time for Social Justice Warriors at any level, from lawyers to Human resources to Big Tech to governments.
You produce, or you stay out of the way, but you are NOT going to be the load.
Or, you can bleed the native population dry to support the parasites until the thing explodes. I know which solution the elites will favor obviously, but I think this time they might be in trouble.
The pandemic was the unforeseen event that is toppling the bankers’ house of cards. Like a credit card junkie juggling dozens of cards expertly until something causes him to lose his job. Then BOOM!!!
We have reached the tipping point in the ‘money can be created from nothing and debt doesn’t matter’ fairy tale.
What's interesting about this current depression compared to the several recessions and the Great Depression is that the economy was shitting the bed before every economy shut down. The 1920s is referred to as the Roaring 20s due to the eruption of wealth that occurred in America, and it was followed by a collapse because the stock market became inflated well above that wealth. There isn't wealth this time. We started in the negative, and we've gone even more negative.
Money is (1) a store of value that enables workers to save for retirement or adverse events, and (2) a way of facilitating transactions that is more efficient than barter.
Comparing gold to fiat, fake, fraud, fiction, fantasy currency is like comparing Dog to Pig.
Priced in gold, the US dollar is down 1% for the week, 3.3% for the month, and down 24% for the year.
Fiat can be printed. Gold cannot.
The value of the dollar (measured in real goods) has been continuously falling since 1913. Yes, sometimes faster than others, but always falling.
To measure one fiat currency against others is FUNDAMENTALLY BOGUS. The reason is obvious. That gives the impression something is increasing (value of the dollar) when in fact, that something is decreasing (the value of the dollar).
Since precious metals are manipulated out the wazoo the past few decades, a chart against them isn't accurate either. So one would need to revert to measures against baskets of fundamental goods. Which means goods that are necessary (or near necessary) to basic life, and have been for centuries (or at least many decades).
All that's needed to assure the dollar descend at an even faster rate is for the federal reserve to create and widely-distribute substantial quantities of fiat, fake, fraud, fiction, fantasy, fractional-reserve debt-bits, which they are doing in spades lately.
Negative interest rates are not required to trash the dollar. And I believe the federal reserve will not resort to negative interest rates (unless some extremely powerful force literally forces them to). To not have negative interest rates will be one of their justifications for why the dollar should remain the "global default currency." To pay 1% or 2% interest on debts is no problem when you can create even more unlimited quantities of fiat at any moment at zero cost.
Money can be printed. Wealth cannot. (Wealth) would be whatever people perceive as having intrinsic value. Even gold up until the electronics age was only a perceived value for the most part. If it weren't for its use in electronics, I doubt it's value would be as high as it is currently.
My personal opinion on earthly wealth is as follows.
It is anything that can be measured in acres, calories, or round counts. In other words, if you can't live on/off/in it, eat it, or defend yourself with it, you can probably write it off as "perceived wealth."
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Trillions in debt are impossible to pay back. And since there's no stopping it, we might as well demand it go to Americans, be it debt jubilee, student loan cancellation, or NEETbucks. I don't care anymore. At least we get fiat notes to turn into real assets before the debt-usury system goes tango uniform.
Printing money means stealing wealth from the public, the currency holders. The commercial banks and the central banks, who print money, are horrendous thieves. They clandestinely expropriate the public for their own private benefit. The current situation is the most extreme stealing the world has ever seen. And it will get worse until the public stands up.
Monetary inflation will likely lead to Weimar-style outcome: currency debasement, inflation (likely hyperinflation), and in the near-term, an asset price reflation.
The Fed, like all failed government central planning operations, will end when both its policies have destroyed the nation, and when people no longer believe in the premises under which it was created.
Given the absolute record of failure and train of wreckage central planning has left behind, it is truly extraordinary that generation after generation, we continue to try it.
Until the passengers on the bus called The Economy start yelling at the driver to slow down or stop the crazy stuff, the bus will continue down the hill gathering speed until it reaches a point where no internal adjustment of policy settings will prevent a crash.
Ok, let's say the US Treasury kicks the party off by announcing that they're not paying back the money foreign nations loaned us, but they at least don't opt for the far worse nuclear route of defaulting on domestic lenders. Great, that was easy, right? Except that every container ship headed our way would turn around and head back to homeport cause the US is no longer a paying customer. At the same time, US Treasury yields go ballistic, and the Fed must step in to buy up 100% of US Government debt issuance plus all of the domestic holders who are dumping by the truckload. Wait, did you seriously think this would end the Fed? The Fed's now the buyer of All resort. Their power and scope over the US economy and our personal finance are now limitless.
There's no more foreign demand for Dollars, so it collapses inside of a week, and consumer prices go up exponentially as shortages of everything occur at the same time that the Dollar's rapidly loses value. After a 'sell everything' panic, Gold and Silver dumps but then goes stratospheric. Yay! But when it comes to actually buy anything with it over the short-term, your average Joe wants physical cash, not precious metals because, after all, that's all he's ever known. I hope you have several years of cash laying around because your job's likely toast while the government starts doling out far too little to make ends meet against the tidal wave of inflation. Since prices will be skyrocketing, a good rule of thumb might be five years of cash living expenses will last you around a year.
What does all this end up looking like after a half-decade? Well, you got a worthless local currency, the central bank monetizing everything, no import/export channels, local producers bankrupt after the US Government implements pricing fixing, spotty electricity, cellular & internet, and possibly a draft due to war on US soil. So essentially 3rd world living conditions under a radical socialist Government while an infantile-entitled American public holds mass protests equally as ineffective as those in Venezuela. Once enough mass starvation has transpired, and a significant percentage of the population has relearned useful sustenance skills, there might eventually be enough momentum built up for a proper uprising within a generation [give or take].
The only thing a Reset accomplishes is the end of the US Government's ability to pawn off worthless Dollars for real goods from the rest of the world. For the clueless out there, it's the equivalent of turning off your main circuit breaker because you don't want to put next month's electric bill on a credit card.
Putting aside the fact that the government lies about inflation in the last 12 years, if money creation and total supply have been going down since the great recession, why have prices continued to go up? Why have we been seeing shrinkflation? Other than electronics, I can't really think of anything that is cheaper today than it was in 2008. Even the price of gold has gone up significantly since 2008.
Almost all the gold traded in today's markets is actually paper derivatives and fraudulent guarantees.
If you can't touch it, you definitely don't own it.
And even some things you can touch, you still might not own (for example, a house with a mortgage).
When you cannot clear a trade at the market price, as has been common recently, the market price is being manipulated.
Every market has supply and demand. You don't have to control the supply to control the market, particularly if the supply is predictable.
Money is debt. You can argue that if it's given to the little guy to pay down debts to banksters that it's LESS comparative debt, but it's still debt. Printing money is inflationary.
Fiat currency is debt.
Commercial banks have the power to create money by issuing debt.
In fact, money is a non-interest bearing debt.
Giving that all money is debt, the existing debt cannot be wiped out by printing money because the newly printed money was borrowed into existence.
At best, it just changes whose balance sheet the debt is on.
Printing money is inflationary. The new dollars are further debt themselves by the time they're printed, so this isn't decreasing debt, it's more like an economic heart going into overdrive to try to compensate for plummeting blood pressure. That leads toward hyperinflation .
Broad money is made up of bank deposits — which are essentially IOUs from commercial banks to households and companies — and currency — mostly IOUs from the central bank. Of the two types of broad money, bank deposits make up the vast majority — 97% of the amount currently in circulation. And in the modern economy, those bank deposits are mostly created by commercial banks themselves.
Commercial banks create money in the form of bank deposits by making new loans. When a bank makes a loan, for example, to someone taking out a mortgage to buy a house, it does not typically do so by giving them thousands of pounds worth of banknotes. Instead, it credits their bank account with a bank deposit of the size of the mortgage. At that moment, new money is created. For this reason, some economists have referred to bank deposits as ‘fountain pen money,’ created at the stroke of bankers’ pens when they approve loans.
I've always loved the term "Imaginary millions," money made in the imagination of the usurers.
The economy is usury, and that's all it is. All "get America back to work" means, is "Oh God, don't let the payments stop!!!"
Rescuing the economy with more debt is foolish.
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