Sunday, April 28, 2019

Economic Collapse Is Coming! 21 Percent Unemployment 10 Percent Inflation & Negative Economic Growth

 Wouldn’t it be horrible if the number of Americans without a job was higher today than it was during the economic collapse of 2008 and 2009?  Well, that is actually true.  As you will see below, nearly 102 million Americans do not have a job right now, and at no point during the last recession did that number ever surpass the 100 million mark.  Of course the U.S. population has grown a bit over the last decade, but as you will see below, the percentage of the population that is engaged in the labor force is only slightly above the depressingly low levels from the last economic collapse and recession.  Sadly, the truth is that the rosy employment statistics that you are getting from the mainstream media are manufactured using smoke and mirrors, and by the time you are done watching this video you will understand what is really going on. At this moment, we are told that only 6.2 million Americans are officially “unemployed”, and that sounds really, really good. But that is only half the story. What the mainstream media rarely mentions is the fact that the number of Americans categorized as “not in the labor force” has absolutely exploded since the last economic crisis.  Right now, that number is sitting at 95.577 million. When you add 6.2 million “officially unemployed” Americans to 95.577 million Americans that are categorized as “not in the labor force”, you get a grand total of almost 102 million Americans that do not have a job right now. If that sounds terrible to you, that is because it is terrible. Yes, the U.S. population has been growing over the last decade, and that is part of the reason why the number of Americans “not in the labor force” has been growing. But overall, the truth is that the level of unemployment in this country is not that much different than it was during the last recession and economic collapse. According to John Williams, if honest numbers were being used the unemployment rate would actually be 21.2 percent today. Next, let’s talk about inflation. If inflation was still calculated the way that it was in 1990, the inflation rate would be 6 percent today instead of about 2 percent. And if inflation was still calculated the way that it was in 1980, the inflation rate would be about 10 percent today. If accurate inflation numbers were being used, we would still be in a recession right now. Just like the last economic collapse, we could potentially see millions of middle class Americans quickly lose everything once economic conditions start getting really bad. The economy is not going to get any better than it is right now.  As you look forward to the second half of 2019, I would make plans for rough sailing ahead.

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