Thursday, April 18, 2019

Economic Collapse Confirmed! $9 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Corporate Debt 2019 Stock Market CRASH!

Since the last economic collapse and market crash, we have witnessed the greatest corporate debt binge in U.S. history.  Corporate debt has more than doubled since then, and it is now sitting at a grand total of more than 9 trillion dollars.  Of course there have been other colossal corporate debt binges throughout our history, and they all ended badly.  In fact, the ratio of corporate debt to U.S. GDP rose above 40 percent prior to each of the last three recessions, but this time around we have found a way to top that.  According to Forbes, the ratio of nonfinancial corporate debt to U.S. GDP is now nearly 50 percent… You can see the chart they are talking about right here and it clearly shows that each of the last three stock market crash and economic crisis coincided with the bursting of an enormous corporate debt bubble. This time around the corporate debt bubble is larger than it has ever been before, and risky corporate debt has been growing faster than any other category… Needless to say, the stage is set for a corporate debt collapse of epic proportions. What makes this debt bubble even worse is the way that our big corporations have been spending the money that they are borrowing. Instead of spending the money to build factories, hire workers and expand their businesses, our big corporations have been spending more money on stock buybacks than anything else. And now this giant corporate debt bubble has reached a bursting point, and there is no way that we can avoid a huge stock market crash and economic crisis. Meanwhile, another financial bubble of epic proportions is also getting a lot of attention these days. Nonbank lending, an industry that played a central role in the financial crisis, has been expanding rapidly and is still posing risks should credit conditions deteriorate. This kind of lending has absolutely exploded all over the globe since the last recession, and it has now become a 52 trillion dollar bubble… Who is going to pick up the pieces when a big chunk of those debts start going bad during the next economic collapse and market crash? Never before in human history have we seen so much debt.  Government debt is at all-time record levels all over the world, corporate debt is wildly out of control and consumer debt continues to surge. This is one of the reasons why I get so frustrated with the financially-illiterate politicians who insist that everything will be just fine if we just tweak our current system a little bit. No, everything is not going to be just fine.  In fact, we have perfectly set the stage for the worst financial collapse in human history. At this point nobody has put forth a plan to fundamentally change the system, and there is no way out. All that is left to do is to keep this current bubble going for as long as humanly possible, and then to duck and cover when economic collapse finally strikes.

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