Monday, April 1, 2019

Banks WARN OF Coming CRISIS! - Instability Continues As Recession Approaches!

 Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the coming recession as well as the concerns of many bankers as they see the obvious instability we've been talking about for years approach them. Obviously banks are going to attempt to look smart by acknowledging the clear problems approaching as if they knew all along. They've been telling people all is well for years and now they want to save their own reputations! With a massive yield curve inversion and concern over a recession on the horizon in the US and Canada, RBC's Deputy Chief Economist Dawn Desjardins noted that she finds it "nerve wracking" to see the debt climb so fast compared with the GDP. The government spends more on debt than anything other than social security. This is heavily unsustainable and will lead to obvious problems down the line. The pension bubble worldwide is absolutely terrible. The pension shortfall is set to hit 400 trillion dollars by the year 2050. How will that work out? People are obviously far too dependent on their pensions and that's by design. Many other banks are warning about the inevitable too. Deutsche Bank, The Bank of England and any others have made rather dire warnings in recent days. All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero. They always have, they always will going back to 1024AD in China. This time is no different. Team that with the everything bubble worldwide, the massive amounts of loans, the propped up manipulated markets of the world, this will not end well. There are more solutions than problems and they come down to individuals being responsible over their own lives rather than dependent on the system. It comes down to individuals preparing themselves and being self sustainable. Gold, silver, cryptocurrencies that are properly decentralized and fundamentally useful. That's our opinion anyways, not investment advice at all, but history is clear and protecting your purchasing power against these inevitable crashes is crucial.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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