Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Alert Volcano That Could Devastate Mexico City Just Erupted 200 Times In A 24 Hour Period

 The most dangerous volcano in Mexico just erupted 200 times in a 24 hour period, but there has been an almost total blackout about this in the U.S. media.  Authorities are saying that the odds of more volcanic activity at Mt. Popocatepetl are “immediate to high”, and if a full-blown Plinian eruption were to occur it would be the worst natural disaster in the modern history of North America.  Approximately 26 million people live within 60 miles of Popocatepetl’s crater, and so we are talking about the potential for death and destruction on a scale that is difficult to imagine.  In ancient times, Mt. Popocatepetl buried entire Aztec cities in super-heated mud, but then it went to sleep for about 1,000 years.  Unfortunately for us, it started waking up again in the 1990s, and now this is the most active that we have seen it ever since the volcano originally reawakened. What we have witnessed over the last several days of Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico has been nothing short of stunning.  According to a British news source, a level three yellow alert was put into effect after “200 eruptions were recorded in just 24 hours”… At this point a 7.5 mile “security radius” has been established around the volcano, and if things continue to get worse Mexican authorities will be forced to begin large scale evacuations. Hopefully there will be enough warning before a Plinian volcano eruption occurs, because several towns in Mexico could be completely buried by super-heated mud traveling at 60 miles per hour… No human on the entire planet can run that fast.  If people are able to get to their vehicles in time they would have a chance, but in reality the highways would quickly become completely clogged as thousands of escaping vehicles all converged at the same time. Mexico City would be out of range of the tsunami of super-heated mud, but the truth is that the volcanic ash would kill far more people. Even just breathing in the volcanic ash could potentially be a death sentence… Ultimately, we are talking about an event that would mean the end of the modern nation of Mexico as we know it today, and this is the most active that Mt. Popocatepetl has been in any of our lifetimes. Meanwhile, a volcano in Washington state is starting to vent steam and gas. I’ll bet you hadn’t heard about that either. Mount Baker is 31 miles due east of Bellingham, Washington, and all throughout the month of March steam and gas have been pouring out of the volcano… On March 4, the 10,781-foot-tall volcano began producing a number of steam plumes known as fumaroles. The expulsions have continued throughout the month since then and several have been highly visible from many miles away and widely captured in photographs and cell phone videos. We are seeing a rise in seismic activity all along the Ring of Fire, and as I have frequently warned, North America will not be immune from what is taking place. The entire west coast lies directly along the Ring of Fire, and seismologists assure us that it is just a matter of time before we witness absolutely massive natural disasters. And with all of the shaking that is currently going on, the truth is that time may be running out a lot more quickly than many of us had been anticipating…

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