Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Network of Global Corporate Control

 We are in a new reality now that a critical mass of people realizes what is actually going on. The Black Nobility has a strong reaction to being exposed, and is finally beginning to understand that this is only making things worse for them now that we have reached critical mass. We the people are in a coalition that also includes all of the military powers of the world. We are now cleaning up the corruption in the world's paper money issued by the central banks. This clean-up of the corruption in the world's money is called the Global Currency Reset. José Rizal put the vast wealth that used to be held by the Vatican on deposit for the benefit of humanity in a trust called the Global Debt Facility. José Rizal's lawyer was Ferdinand Marcos. Rizal and Marcos created the World Bank and IMF as a big world cooperative to make sure the world's wealth wasn't stolen and went to the world's people. That's where I come in. I figured out what Rizal and Marcos had done. I got a lot of help to figure this out. When I say, a lot of help, I mean a lot of help. The world's military powers, all of them, all of them, are making sure we stay the course so that the world's wealth stays with the world's people.

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