Sunday, March 31, 2019

Economic Collapse Confirmed! $222 Trillion Dollar True Size Of Government Debt & Stock Market CRASH!

 The United States is on a path to economic collapse, and everyone can see what is happening, but nobody can seem to come up with a way to stop it.  According to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government is currently 22 trillion dollars in debt, and that represents the single largest debt in the history of the planet.  Over the past decade, we have been adding to that debt at a rate of about 1.1 trillion dollars a year, and we will add more than a trillion dollars to that total once again this year.  But when you add in our unfunded liabilities, our long-term financial outlook as a nation looks heading to a major stock market crash and economic collapse.  According to Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff, the U.S. is currently facing 200 trillion dollar in unfunded liabilities, and when you add that number to our 22 trillion dollar government debt, you get a grand total of 222 trillion dollars. Of course we are never going to pay back all of this debt. The truth is that we are just going to keep accumulating more debt until a devastating economic collapse. And even though the federal government is the biggest offender, there are also others to blame for the mess that we find ourselves in.  State and local governments are more than 3 trillion dollar in debt, corporate debt has more than doubled since the last financial crisis, and U.S. consumers are more than 13 trillion dollars in debt. When you add it all together, the total amount of debt in our society is well above 300 percent of GDP, and it keeps rising with each passing year. According to official government projections, the Social Security Administration is facing a 13 trillion dollar unfunded liability over the next 75 years, and Medicare is facing a 37 trillion dollar unfunded liability over the same time frame. Adding those two numbers together, we get a grand total of 50 trillion dollars. While the United States’ official debt is $20 trillion, the fiscal gap is really 10 times larger — $200 trillion. That comes from adding in off-the-book liabilities, including debt that’s in the Federal Reserve’s hands, Kotlikoff said. If Kotlikoff is correct, that means that the true size of the financial obligation that we are imposing upon future generations is 222 trillion dollars, and that number just keeps rising month after month. You can spend more money than you are bringing in for quite a while, but eventually a day of reckoning arrives with a major stock market crash and financial collapse. We have been on the biggest debt crisis in the history of the world, and it has allowed us to enjoy a standard of living that is far beyond what we actually deserve, but the price that we will pay for such utter foolishness will be extremely painful indeed. Prepare for the economic collapse while you still can.

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