Friday, February 1, 2019

We Interviewed The Venezuelan Opposition Leader After Police Came To His House

 Juan Guaidó, the 35-year-old opposition leader has been on the move since he declared himself interim president of Venezuela last week, defying President Nicolas Maduro and thrusting the country into a power struggle. Despite facing mounting threats and frozen assets, Guaidó hasn’t been afraid to hold events in public, popping up here and there in opposition strongholds where he’s certain he won’t be arrested. But after giving a speech Thursday on his future plans for the country, he made a quick exit to rush home — where he says Maduro’s Special Actions Force (or FAES) had shown up at the front gate, asking questions about his family. "Today we saw how the FAE threatened my wife, asking for her,” Guaido told VICE News. Up until now, Maduro has only targeted Guaido directly, freezing his assets and blocking him from leaving the country. But Guaido sees this visit from police as a new form of intimidation.

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