Sunday, February 3, 2019

Unravelling The Web - David Icke

TRANSGENDERISM is another way of reducing the worldpopulation......transgenders are infertile !! I would like to propose a law that forbids GLOBALISTS to reproduce....for the coming about 70 years....?? And what about the hurricanes...the EMP-burnings in Californië and the disappearance of survivors in Fema-camps and on -barges....?? And what about the extreme cold weather everywhere...?? What about the never ending MINDCONTROLL and the coming INFLUENCING of our brains...?? THE DEEPFREEZE STATE IS ALREADY SLOWLY KILLING OUR POPULATION FOR DECADES....AND THEY WILL PLAN QUICKER IF THEY DON 'T GET THEIR WW III....! THE CABAL ARE KHASARIAN TARTARS....IN JEWISH SHEEPCLOTHES... THINKING THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONES BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEVED SUMERIAN SATANIC BACKGROUND....!! I THINK WE...SHEEPLE... SHOULD START TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THEM....WE LEAN BACK AND WONDER.....WE SHOULD ACT AGAINST THEM IF THEY ATTACK US ALL THE TIME.....THEY ARE COLD SATANISTS....BUT THEY HAVE PLANNED AND KNOW WHAT THEY DO TO US AND OUR PLANET.....!!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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