Monday, February 18, 2019

Is Italy Preparing For COLLAPSE? Italy Tightens Grip On Huge Gold Reserves!

It is not "Qanon", they are not aliens, they are not from another dimension, or lizards, the deep state are just greedy people who have the power and lead the United States to bankruptcy, NO PLAN OR AGENDA, just greed ans stupidity. I recommend the book "America: the farewell tour" by Crhis Hedges. He explains in a very interesting way the social status of the United States.

ALL OF THIS ITS THE FALL OF THE DOLLAR AS GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY. NOTHING MORE. IT HAPPEN TO PORTUGAL, SPAIN, FRANCE, THEN TO THE UK AND NOW IT WILL HAPPEN TO THE US. And that countries are still there. The dollar its gonna have to stand by himself without the unfair advantange of the petrodollar, and being the reserve currency. Whatever you do, SAY NO TO THE "SDR", its just more fiat money from the banks. NOW YOU KNOW why the US its demanding a change of regime in venezuela, BECAUSE THE US NEEDS TO MAINTAIN OIL PRICE IN DOLLARS, TO GENERATE DEMAND FOR THE DOLLAR AND MANTAIN THE VALUE. And for Italy, i think they know of the "economic reset", and the UE tell the banks, the italian goverment dont want to acept the SDR, so they want out... just like BREXIT, they dont want the SDR, so they are out; or the US, that just want to continue the current system.

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