Saturday, February 2, 2019

Gerald Celente - America: Selling Duh-mocracy and Free-dumb

It’s no coincidence that Britain and America are both collapsing — in eerily, frighteningly similar ways. Societies falling apart. Governments paralyzed. Over a wall. Brexit, after all, is a wall, too. All that — to the point of impending catastrophe. In America, a government shutdown (which, by the way, is precisely what the fascists want, their Reichstag Fire moment) leaves it unable to attend to any of America’s numerous real problems. In Britain, food and medicine is already being stockpiled — because there won’t be enough of it go around. Imagine how badly off a society has to be stockpile the basics — because it knows it will run out of them. But that’s not the truly bizarre, perverse part. Not nearly. The truly grotesque, baffling part is this. This is what people want. Not all of them — not you and me, the sensible ones. Just enough of them. In power, especially, To bring society roaring down like an avalanche — on their very own heads. How did we get here? To this mentality of apocalypse? Britain and America are collapsing because they are the world’s two most capitalist societies. And one of capitalism’s most lethal — yet most unexplored effects is the psychology of apocalypse. Too much capitalism, too long — and people will welcome the apocalypse. They will hunger and yearn for it. They will beckon it and prostrate themselves to it. Apocalypse is the inevitable endpoint of the capitalist tribe, the salvation which it demands. How can that be? Do you think I exaggerate? Are you even a little angry? Good, good. Let me make my case, and you be the judge. Imagine that I told you all your life long that you were nothing. No one was worth anything, in fact — not inherently, as a consequence merely of existing. Worth — all its conditions, soft ones, like dignity to trust to basic respect, and hard ones, like food, medicine, education, retirement, and shelter — were all things that everyone would have to “earn.” In other words, nobody was allowed to invest in anyone else, much, really. But this is precisely the situation in America — nobody has any inherent worth, and they must fight for every single thing, from insulin to retirement. Britain used to be different — for a very short time — but it has undone all that over the last decade or two. Now imagine I told you all your life long that only the strong should survive. That if you were strong, you deserved all the things above — food, shelter, medicine, healthcare, and so forth. But not if you were not strong. In fact, the strongest of all should receive as much as possible for them to take — isn’t that the logical consequence of “only the strong should survive”, its moral logic? But that is exactly the society that emerged in America and Britain — the strong pile up titanic fortunes, for doing nothing whatsoever of real worth, while the average person’s life expectancy is falling. Is there a stronger indicator that a society’s moral logic has become Darwinian — or maybe that it always was? Wasn’t Darwin, after all, one of us? Now imagine that I told you that the weak should perish. No one has intrinsic worth, anyways, remember. So how are we to establish who is to live, and who is to die? Those who cannot stand on their own two feet, those who need a shoulder to rely on — they are less than unworthy. They are liabilities and burdens and parasites. They have negative worth, don’t they? We have already concluded that not everyone deserves to live — that is what an absence of inherent worth says. But what about people who never “earn” worth at all? Therefore, the weak should perish. The strong are to prey on them — and we laugh and applaud. Isn’t that what America and Britain became? Societies were people didn’t have decent healthcare and retirement — while we were told to adore and cherish the super-rich, the Real Housewives, the celebrity-billionaires-on-Mars? The weak? Pah. Let them eat dust. They are parasites — aren’t they? What’s the perfectly logical consequence of these three beliefs? No one has intrinsic worth, only the strong should survive, the weak must perish? Such a society will need a trial. A great, epic trial. To sort the weak from the strong. To divide the unworthy, the worthy, and those who will never be worthy. To winnow the wheat from the chaff. Such a society will need a great, grandiose, explosive, implosive test. A judgment. And people will welcome it. How else are they to prove they are strong? How else to earn the worth they have been told they don’t have, but must earn. It’s true, many will suffer, and some will even perish. Oh, well — what can you do? They were weak. They were unworthy. Their loss is necessary, you see, to establish who is strong. When it’s only the strong who should survive — then a society will need a Great Trial to test everyone’s strength. People will snarl, and say “bring it on! I am the strong one! Test me — just test me!!” “I am not the weak one!” people will cry, “Let me prove it! Let the apocalypse come, and we will see who withstands it!” Isn’t that precisely where American and Britain have ended up? A huge portion of Britain hungers for a No-Deal Brexit — which means that food and medicines go into shortage almost overnight. A huge number of Americans still adore their beloved leader — despite the obvious charges that he is a predator, a traitor, and a thief. It’s incredible, isn’t it? But what isn’t it is unreasonable. Pundits look at this all and shake their heads — “it’s irrational!” They cry. It’s not irrational in the slightest. It makes the most perfect sense of all, if you bother to think it with clarity. People are hungering for a Great Trial to prove their strength and might, their piety and purity, their faith and fury — even if it kills them — because they have developed the social psychology of apocalypse. (America, in particular, has been hungering for apocalypse for a while now, hasn’t it? People voting for their own ruin? The sudden, sharp growth of apocalyptic religion, survivalism, end times thinking, and so forth? It’s not a coincidence, my friends. And again, it doesn’t mean “all of us” — it doesn’t have to. Just enough crazies, somewhere between 30 and 40 percent, are enough to destabilize societies — they always have been, by bringing institutions, governance, democracy, and sanity to a screeching halt.)

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