Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Best State of the Union Speech Ever

 Without doubt, State-of-the-Union speeches are always stone cold boring. So I came in with no expectations. However, Trump’s practiced, deliberate delivery eventually payed big dividends. Those dividends came to full fruition when Trump praised the fact that more women were now working than ever before. Suddenly the dressed-in-white Equal Rights Amendment lefty women in Congress erupted in applause and even fits of high-fiving each other. From then on, Trump, instead of speaking to a pretty-much equally-divided House chamber, had half of the Democrats applauding with his applause lines - a truly remarkable spectacle. And for the next 15 minutes or so, you could actually feel America coming together for the first time since Trump entered the presidency. Will that feeling persist beyond tonight? No one knows, but for tonight, at least a significant fractions of Congressional Democrats let their guards down and cheered USA, USA, USA.

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