Thursday, February 21, 2019

ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 2/20/19

Thursday, February 21st: Smollett Surrenders - “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett surrendered to authorities after being charged for filing a false police report. Chicago police are slamming Smollett’s “publicity stunt” that took advantage of innocent people. Moreover, CNN is running defense for Smollett by saying it’s not his “fault” he lost the court of public opinion. Today’s in-studio guest is founder and director of the Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes sharing his fight for America’s Constitution. Also, PAC leader of Americans for Legal Immigration William Gheen is making the case against open borders. Furthermore, Paul Joseph Watson is exposing cutting-edge intel on the mainstream media’s treatment of Smollett. Call and tune in now!

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