Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Qanon September 12 - We Will Never Forget

Pope, Hillary, 'derp'state .They're all the same. Doesn't the Popes response remind you of Hillarys philosophy on her crimes being exposed? Blaming the messenger for exposing their crimes. The reasoning is, If my crimes weren't exposed, I wouldn't have to explain myself. Since I really didn't want or expect to be found out, I shouldn't have to be responsible for my actions, or be investigated or punished for the crimes I was involved with. Basically stating that it's not fair! I didn't expect to be found out! Next time you get a traffic citation, try that out on the judge and see what happens. Everyone's tired of this blatant double standard. If they're not careful, people may seek justice themselves, if governments continue to fail them.

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