Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Most people do not know that faith and love=obedience to THE LORD'S commandments. Freedom to worship whatever you like is much more dangerous than persecution, cause Christians who are persecuted have a much much stronger faith that those who are free to do what they want. Just look at the so called free world where people are free to worship whom they want. There is sedition and violence and lawlessness and the worst crime imaginable. Take US for an example, there people are free to search for happiness and all kinds of pleasures. It that what THE WORD OF GOD teaches us we must do? No certainly not. By grace we are saved and grace alone, .... but from then on we must live holy and by THE LORD'S standards, by keeping HIS commandments .... and by keeping THE LORD'S Sabbathdays holy and do no work on it. There is no such thing as freedom!!! There is only freedom of choice! THE LORD made us free from sin and death, with HIS own blood!! Now we may choose JESUS CHRIST as our master and we may not do what we want freely. If you call JESUS CHRIST master, why do you flat out refuse to obey HIM? Those Christian's in the worst prosecution will enter eternal life rather than these that are "free" do do as they please. JESUS CHRIST is the DOOR to eternal life and to the kingdom of GOD, and you shall not enter in through HIM if you do not obey all HIS commandments. There will no lawless people be in the kingdom of GOD! What does THE LORD say is lawlessness? It is lawlessness to transgress THE LORD'S law. Obey HIM and enter in ..... disobey HIM and enter NOT in! It is very simple. THE LORD is also faithful to forgive you if you sinned, but you must acknowledge your sin and repent to sin no more. Understand this. It is THE LORD GOD who makes the rules, cause HE created all things. There is not much time left to repent and confess. Do it now and every day. For JESUS CHRIST is coming very soon.

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