Saturday, September 1, 2018


The Q movement was predicted by David Icke 20 years ago. A secret war is building up and Q is distracting people from the truth.

Q is not one person it is a deliberate ploy to lull good people into a false sense of security so the deep state can see what the masses think of them, also so they can influence them and distract them ..... I knew straight from the start when I heard Q or the spokesman for Q or the now infiltrated Q in an interview..... it was just like no way ! It is so obvious! If you can’t see it’s a total troll/con you need to wake up and realize how things are. We are being totally controlled from birth to death with no exceptions like Q being real without being infiltrated.... it doesn’t mean you are dumb or bad that you were conned.... it is an all out attack on people’s good nature. If Q was real he would have been compromised by now..... I knew right from the start

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