Saturday, August 11, 2018

World on Fire - Greece being HAARPed

The whole world is in quakes..volcanic activity everywhere...people everywhere are all angry...
A Sinister Global Conspiracy to gain control And destroy countries like Greece and America Using HAARP to weaponize weather by forcing Very High Velocity Winds Globally in any direction They want to cause Havoc anywhere...

Greece destroyed by fires created by MAN and his weapons of destruction. It is a sorry time when men have taken to destroying people, homes, lands and LIVES as a way to disable people. I pray the people using this weapons of destruction will be found and put in prison. It is a deliberate act by the Deep State on a global scale. These lasers are also the cause of the recent California destruction and as one man reported via over head images some homes were descrated but trees next to it was not even burned indicating laser precision. So sad the fear of the greedy bastards holding office is killing people and destroying things as a way to DSI-empower innocent people, or is it the people who OPPOSE them?, I think these Jesuit Illuminati Mofos, are planning something big.

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