Sunday, August 12, 2018

Why Canada still relies on Saudi Arabia for Oil ?

Even angry, Saudi Arabia will continue to export its oil to Canada
The Saudi energy minister says his country's diplomatic conflict with Canada will not hurt oil exports to Canadian territory. The official Saudi Press quoted Khalid al-Falih as saying that Saudi oil sales to Canadian customers can not be subject to political circumstances. Although Canada itself is a major oil producer, it imports about 10 percent of its black gold from Saudi Arabia. The annual value of bilateral trade between the two countries is about US $ 3 billion.

It is bloody obvious that Trump's administration, Israel and Saudi Arabia are joined at the hip and gearing up to manufacture an excuse for war against Iran. There must be a thousand times as much private communication and planning as there is public. This is either part of that plan or something Saudi Arabia easily deduces will be welcomed by Trump. Why attack Canada, or the EU, or Nato? The realignment looks to be far right, uber-corrupt expansionist nationalism franchises against liberal democracy, AND the former in control of the most powerful nation on earth and the entire middle east. You would think that these three, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Trumps rabidly anti-muslim administration would be impossible allies, but extremism has always been a con that thrives on polarisation and this means the extremists shouting the most hatred at each other are always natural allies. Once you realise they are simply narcissistic sociopaths running a scam, and throw away any assumptions based on morality or even their stated code of ethics, the mutual self interest becomes obvious and much better at predicting their moves. I really hope the EU develops a backbone, and that behind the scenes they are nowhere near as confused at each new betrayal and extortion by Trump as they politely pretend to be in public.

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