Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What Are They Preparing For?

Anytime the word "peace" is mentioned , a war breaks out. The pope wants war. All world leaders are subordinates of the pope. They all work together to eliminate one common enemy. ALL PEOPLE , OF ALL RACE , OF ALL RELIGION. Only non argumentative , government supporting sheep , will be allowed to continue serving. Social crediting is already happening. The sheep that obey the Sheppard , will be fed. The rest WILL be tortured , decapitated , and maybe even killed. Yes I know... "decapitated" The pope answers only to "whom he believes to be Lucifer". If you DO NOT already believe in God , you will soon enough. Since there has yet to be someone to come up with a solution , allow me. Give me an army and I will lead them. Wake up ! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK ! Chemtrails. GMO'S. Directed (laser) energy weapons. Haarp. Harnessing the wind and its direction. Total weather control. Fires , floods , the increased pricing of everything except alcohol. Most people that drink , smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes go up daily. The addict will kill to smoke, regardless of price. Alcohol goes down in price... THIS IS A WORLDWIDE ATTACK IN PROGRESS, AGAINST ALL NON COMPLIANT AND POOR PEOPLE OF THIS EARTH!!! IT HAS NOW BECOME ILLEGAL TO FEED YOUR FELLOW MAN. YES... IT IS WRITTEN IN LAW. ONLY SATAN WOULD WRITE SUCH A LAW.

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