Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Venezuela - Escape from a Failed State

 According to one United Nation’s estimate, 1.5 million people have already fled Venezuela in hopes of escaping violence, poverty and hunger. Despite possessing some of world’s largest oil reserves, corruption and cronyism have plunged the country into economic ruin. Much of the blame lies with former socialist president Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolás Maduro. What began as a socialist experiment under Hugo Chavez has since become a deadly revolution under his successor Nicolás Maduro. Reelected president in a controversial election in May, Maduro governs the country in autocratic style. Protests by the opposition are brutally suppressed, often ending in deadly clashes. Every day, Venezuelans cross the border into Colombia to flee poverty and starvation. Most leave with nothing - rampant inflation has rendered their savings worthless. In Colombia, the refugees are hungry and desperate. Many sleep on the street or in sports fields. Back in the Venezuelan capital, one in six children is severely malnourished. Supermarkets in Caracas have empty shelves. People have restored to scavenging garbage for food or slaughtering cats and dogs to survive. Without drugs or functioning hospitals, medical care has collapsed. A mother of a diabetic child is forced to bring her son home from the hospital, which has no insulin. Elsewhere his condition could be treated - but here he will likely die of it. Venezuela has become a failed state.

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