Saturday, August 11, 2018

Trump's 'America First' becomes 'Israel First'

Anyone with a brain knew from the start that "America first" was code word for Israel first!
Trump puts Israel First, just like all the puppet heads have done since 1940, with the exception of JFK.
Trump is an elitist, just like Obama, Bush and Clinton. No change at all!

The US Presidential election is just a contest to see who can climb further up Israel's hole, and Donald Trump won. What's vey telling and troubling at the same time is how out in the open this fawning over and adulation of Israel is. Something tells me the vanity of the Rothschilds is coming to the fore and they are demanding more and more bending the knee and curtsying before them, they are so emboldened by their unassailability in the world. His excellency Benjamin Netanyahu WILL BE OBEYED!

True Christians realize the fake agenda of the zionist devil bankers and their fake illegally created Israel, now we must unite and crush these devil bankers and their fake religions of judaism and islamic must now be terminated to save the real true Christina world bought paid and died for that which these scum never did!!! only lied about being killed when we know that science proved it was very little compared. Its an embarrassment that trump supports these scum let alone allowed his ignorant daughter to marry and have the devils children!!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!! AMEN

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. My mum had small cell terminal lung cancer. She lost her hair while going through chemo and it was devastated. She has recently finished her radiotherapy and she was losing her hair again :( mum wanted me to shave it off again as it's coming out in clumps.i know she was very upset and have told her to be confident it'll grow back but she's so upset, life became hell for me, because i just cant imagine my mum this way. i actually posted this online, and somebody replied me, that he knows once who can cure my mum, without spending much money and without taking anytime anymore, and there wont be any hair loss anymore. I said okay and i want to give it a try, the person that helped him (the person that i was referred to) is Dr Covenant, his email is, he gave me his email address and i contacted him and told him everything, he (Dr Covenant) said i should not worry everything'll be okay in space of 8 days, i actually gave him a try.
    It was not up to the 3rd day, i started noticing changes in my mum. Now my mum is healthy back and the cancer is gone. Am so grateful about this. I actually thought that my mum was going to die, but now she is still alive. Friends, if you have any problem such as cancer, or other illness like HIV/AIDS, GONORRHEA, or any other illness at all, and he is also specialized in getting ex back contact Dr Covenant on his email or add him on watsapp on +2349057353987 or call him directly on +2348146671563. you can also go through his website if interested
