Sunday, August 12, 2018

In America You Dont Own Property You Just Lease it from The Government

America hasn't been a free country since the beginning. Taxes are most definitely rent or they will remove you Swiftly,Even in death they will foreclosure your great grandchildren.

Revolutionary war was fought over a 10% flat tax on i think just tea and something else... but lets consider that the war was fought over a 10% sales tax... that's it... now, we pay sales tax after we have had our income taxed... double taxing... And on top of that, i really think that the u.s. government can force anyone off thier land and thier porperty, as long as they are paid a "fair" price... and that "fair price" is determined by the government that wants it... Buuuut, "ain't that America, the home of the brave??? Aint that America, the home of the free???" And lastly, i like how the guy apologizes to the lady and tells her he know it isnt her fault... and i understand what he is saying, but how far and to what extent are people gonna start accepting responsibility??? We can only blame the government so much until it starts to become our faults... which i think it has gone way past that point... but even breath about revolution like the founding of America and see how loving and accepting this government really is... remember david koresh??? The FBI said Koresh set his own compound on fire and killed everyone... it was revealed however from video footage that the u.s. military and FBI drove tanks through the place and flamethrower units burned it to the ground... And what is our government's response every time they are caught red handed??? Oh well... what are you gonna do about it??? Nothing!!! That's what... you are getting very sleepy... you will forget everything by next month... in exchange for the latest issues...

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