Wednesday, August 15, 2018

California & Greece Fires Created by Scalar Directed Energy Weapons

In science fiction, futuristic soldiers are often shown wielding light emitting weapons. Flash Gordon used a ray gun, Captain Kirk carried a phaser, and Darth Vader brandished a light saber. But, today, the imagined future of science fiction is a reality. The United States is deploying a new generation of weapons that discharge light-wave energy, the same spectrum of energy found in your microwave, or in your TV remote control. They're called "directed-energy weapons". Lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams. They claim that this technology is new and that first directed energy weapons are being tested right now, but the fact is that advanced technology is always suppressed from the general public. What is Directed Energy? How do direct energy weapons work? What can these direct energy weapons do? A quick look into the forest fires in California. Please prayerfully discern and conduct your own investigation, these fires are anything but natural. God Bless You All. "Call upon the name of the Lord and tho shall be saved." Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of CA Fires Highly Decorated Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the possible directed energy weapons used to start over 16 major fires that began in the middle of the night in Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino Counties. To date, some three weeks after the fires, officials have not gone on record as to the origins of these fires. Everything You're Not Being Told About Cali & Greek Fires with ELANA FREELAND Elana Freeland joins me in hour one of the show to talk about the strange weather & wildfires we are seeing around the world. From California to Greece, there are strange images & reports relating to the fires we have seen in recent time, which leads us to ask the question whether or not Directed Energy Weapons may be in use. Then in hour two, Jimmy Genes & Nanogirl give their first hand accounts & opinions on what is going down with the fires and other strange occurences in the skies around the world. comment: The weird anomalies that have been observed in the California fires have now also appeared in Greece during the ongoing forest fires. Greek firemen and Greek citizens have made observations they have never made before. It seems that directed energy weapons aren't strictly an American phenomenon anymore, now they have been used in Greece as well. Large forest fires have always been happening in Greece, therefore the Greek people know how they look like, but something has changed, these fires aren't what they used to be. Due to the chemtrail spraying, our soils have been soaked with aluminum, strontium and barium, and this may be another reason why these fires have become so very devastating. You may look at it from two sides: Either the chemtrail spraying has merely caused this phenomenon as a secondary effect, or else the chemtrail spraying may have been done for the very purpose so that directed energy weapons in combination with aluminum soaked soils can have such a powerful effect. Bear in mind that the well known substance 'thermite' is mainly based on aluminum. thermite: a mixture of finely powdered aluminium and iron oxide that produces a very high temperature on combustion, used in welding and for incendiary bombs: [as modifier] : a thermite grenade. And of course you may easily ignite thermite by beaming a laser at it, although DEWs are probably based on scalar technology - remember the Michael Hutchison effect. Remember those weird burnt and oddly melted cars around the WTC on 9-11 in 2001, although there weren't any fires there? What we can see now in Greece and in California are the very same types of strangely burnt cars, weird burning patterns, and irritating anomalies that even experienced firemen have never seen before. But of course that's just 'crazy conspiracy theories' to the mainstream narrative. Keeping people ignorant and blind by ridiculing truth tellers is merely the application of another weapon system called 'social engineering'. Indeed, these secret societies and the deep state are well organized. The same weapon systems they have been deploying for a long time against the Iraqi people, murdering over a million human beings, are now being used against us. Why should they have any more moral inhibitions with us than with them? These artificial forest fires may be seen as a form of 'forced relocation by fire' to implement Agenda 21: Removing all people from rural areas, and squeeze them into tiny apartments in megacities. How else could they implement that agenda without resorting to destruction by fire? Some people may rebuild their houses, but the evil elites may simply use their directed energy weapons system over and over again, until these house owners will eventually run out of money, and be forced to leave for good. We're dealing with a synthetically created 'force majeure', and as you may know, most insurance companies won't pay, in case of force majeure. In contract law force majeure is generally intended to include occurrences beyond the reasonable control of a party, and therefore would not cover. Force majeure hints at the power of fate or GOD, and now the elites seem to have that power, and enjoy playing god. What you should also be aware of when seeing those many houses burnt to the ground: Many owners of those buildings have never left them, meaning that they're all dead, they have been murdered. It's a form of stealth genocide. Welcome to the new world order. holocaust: 2, historical, a Jewish sacrificial offering which was burnt completely on an altar. audio Everything You're Not Being Told About Cali & Greek Fires with ELANA FREELAND.m4a

videos A watchman report - Wars and rumors of wars.mp4 California Gets Cooked - Fires Created by Microwave Directed Energy Weapon.mp4 California Wild Fires; Far From Normal.mp4 Exclusive Interview with Fire Captain on Origins of CA Fires.mp4 Greece fires took just minutes to reach the sea.mp4 Greece is Burning - Blazing Fire Reaches Capital (2018).mp4 INCREDIBLE VIDEO WITH FIRE IN GREECE 2018.mp4 World on Fire - Greece Attacked with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).mp4 tags: DEW, California, Greece, fires, scalar, weapons, energy, Laser, Agenda 21, Hutchison effect

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