Monday, July 16, 2018


 Trump Prophecy. Donald Trump announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel right on time with Daniel's prophecy about an anointed prince who comes 49 years after the Jews begin rebuilding Jerusalem. Is Donald Trump the anointed prince? He appears right on time with Daniel's prophecy. The Sanhedrin and Mikdash Educational Center also minted the temple coin with Donald Trump and Cyrus together. King Cyrus was the anointed one in Isaiah's prophecy. Now Donald Trump has been placed next to him. Everything seems to point to Donald Trump as being the anointed ruler in Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. Trump has ordered the opening of the US embassy on May 14, 2018. It is exactly 70 years from when Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948. But what makes Donald Trump the anointed leader in Daniel's prophecy is that he proclaimed Jerusalem Israel's capital. Daniel prophesied an anointed ruler would appear 49 years after the Jews start to rebuild Jerusalem. A command to rebuild Jerusalem went out in 1968. Donald Trump appeared 49 years later and proclaimed Jerusalem as Israel's capital. End time bible prophecy has just been fulfilled.

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