Friday, July 6, 2018

Trey Gowdy Bashes Strzok & Adam Schiff, 2306

Rep. Trey Gowdy is back – thank God!
He appeared on Hannity’s show last night guest-hosted by former Rep. Jason Chaffetz.
Trey is full on BACK. When asked about anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok threatening to not obey a Congressional subpoena to appear for a public televised hearing before two House committees next Tuesday, he assured Chaffetz that whether he likes it or not, he will appear for questioning. You see, Congressional subpoenas are not optional, and Gowdy, who is spending his last few months as a Congressman from South Carolina, is determined to enforce Congress’s co-equal branch duties, even if it means jailing Strzok in the basement of the Capitol.

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