Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Truth About Sweden. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

On September 9th, 2018, Sweden’s national election will determine members of the Riksdag which in turn will elect the Prime Minister of Sweden. Like in much of Europe, discussions about the migrant crisis and immigration have taken priority as citizens head to the ballot box. Establishment parties including the Social Democrats and Moderate Party face strong opposition from the immigration-critical Sweden Democrats. On May 4th, 2018, the ruling Social Democrats announced a “change” to their migration policy which allowed over 350,000 asylum seekers to arrive within the previous four years. While refusing to set any type of hard limit, Social Democrat figures announced plans to negotiate more restrictive asylum legislation with the European Union, requiring municipalities to deny services to those refused asylum, abolition or reduction in work permits for denied applicants, expanded measures to ensure the identity of asylum seekers and more! Includes: The European Migrant Crisis, Aslum applications over-time, foreign-born population, the upcoming Sweden national elections, rise of the Swedish Democrats, Sweden Democrats Leader Jimmie Ã…kesson, pressure from the European Union, rising criminality, Asylum home overload, the Dublin Regulation, Sweden No-Go Zones, the rise of sexual assault, Cultural Enrichment, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child marriage prevalence, population projections, migrant voting and much much more! 

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